YouTrack Standalone 2017.1 Help

Supported Environments

This page describes the supported environments for YouTrack.


JRE/JDK/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/close-octagon.png 1.5, 1.6, 1.7 Oracle JRE
/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png 1.8 Oracle JRE

Operating Systems

Operating System
Microsoft Windows/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png
Linux / Solaris/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png
Apple OS X/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png

Web Browsers

YouTrack runs in a standard web browser. With the speed at which browsers are updated, it is not always possible to pre-certify every browser. We resolve functional issues in new releases of supported browsers as they arise.

We encourage you to update your browser to the latest version. You benefit from the latest security and stability fixes.

YouTrack Standalone is supported in the two latest stable versions of following web browsers.

Internet Explorer/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png 11+
Mozilla Firefox/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png 42+
Safari/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png Safari 7+
Opera/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png Opera 38+
Google Chrome/help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png Chrome 38+

Legend: /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/checkbox-marked.png = supported; /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/alert.png = supported with some restrictions; /help/img/youtrack/2017.1/close-octagon.png = not supported

Last modified: 18 April 2017