YouTrack Standalone 2017.2 Help


This workflow prevents setting an issue state to Fixed if it has dependent issues that are not resolved.

File Name





Do not allow fix issue with unresolved dependencies (stateless)

Use Case

If a user tries to fix an issue that depends on another issue that is not resolved, a warning is displayed. The issue state cannot be set to Fixed.


When the issue state is set to Fixed, this checks the list of linked issues for depends on-links.
If there are any linked issues in the depends on list, the rule checks the current state of each linked issue.

  • If all of the linked issues are resolved, proceed and resolve the current issue.

  • If any of the linked issues are not resolved, a warning is displayed. The transition to the Fixed state for the original issue is cancelled.

Do not allow fix issue with unresolved dependencies

rule Do not allow fix issue with unresolved dependencies when State.becomes({Fixed}) && depends on.isNotEmpty { for each dep in depends on { if (dep.isReported()) { assert dep.State.isResolved: l10n ( The issue has unresolved dependencies and thus cannot be set Fixed! ); } } }
Last modified: 7 March 2019