YouTrack Standalone 2017.2 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in YouTrack 2017.2.

Version 2017.2.32799




Issue History in Activity Stream

We have added issue history items to the Activity Stream. This means that you can view issue history, comments, and work items in a single, chronological list. Select which content to display by default from the Activities drop-down list and filter the stream for different types of activity with the icons at the top right.

issue history activity stream


Version 2017.2.32529




New User ProfileMeet your new user profile:
  • The redesigned interface makes your experience with the application more consistent and convenient.


  • You can now access and manage your saved searches and tags directly in your profile.


New Feature

Change Board Owner

You can now change the owner of an agile board in the Board Settings panel. Simply click the name of the current owner and choose a new owner from the drop-down list. This feature helps you manage your agile boards and adapt to organizational changes. Never worry about abandoned boards again.

New Feature

Simplified Board CommandsWe have simplified the syntax for commands that reference agile boards. This improvement lets you reference an agile board without having to specify a sprint. You can now perform the following actions with commands:
  • Add an issue to an agile board with the command add <board name>. The issue is added to the current sprint.

  • Remove an issue from any sprint on an agile board with the command remove <board name>.

Updates and Enhancements

Dashboard Management Improvements

Recent updates to the dashboard let you enjoy the following features:
  • Users with access to a shared dashboard can view the name of the dashboard owner directly in the dashboard header.

  • Administrators can customize the name of the default dashboard for guest users.

Updates and Enhancements

Dashboard Widget Improvements

Users can customize the text that is shown as the title for any widget. This enhancement helps users assign meaningful titles and better distinguish between widgets that use similar queries.

Updates and Enhancements

Last modified: 7 March 2019