YouTrack Standalone 2017.3 Help

Advanced Options

Each of the custom fields in YouTrack can be set with additional options that define:

  • Whether a field is attached automatically to projects or not

  • Whether a field is private or public

  • Whether a field is displayed in the Issues list or not

Auto-attach a Field to New Projects

Auto-attached fields are attached by default to any new project.

To attach a field to projects automatically:

  1. Open the Administration > Custom Fields > Fields List tab.

  2. Select the desired field.

  3. Click the Enable auto-attach button in the toolbar.

Auto-attached fields are designated with the respective flag in the list of available fields.

Set Privacy

private field is available for viewing and/or editing only to users who have specific permissions in a project: Read Issue Private Fields and Update Issue Private Fields, respectively.

To make a field private:

  1. Open the Administration > Custom Fields > Fields List tab.

  2. Click the name of the field you want make private.

  3. In the toolbar, click Make private button.

  4. Click the Save button.
    Repeat the procedure for all fields you want to make private.

For additional information, see Private and Public Issue Fields.

Set Visibility

By default, a field is displayed for an issue in the Issues list. To remove clutter, you can hide a custom field in the list. In this case, the field is only visible in the Full-screen Issue view.

To hide a field from the issues list:

  1. Open Administration > Custom Fields > Fields List tab.

  2. Select the desired field.

  3. Click the Hide from Issues list button in the toolbar.

Last modified: 7 March 2019