Represents a custom field in a project that stores a value as a period type. We use org.joda.time.Period as a base class for period values. While you can read the class documentation at, please note that we support only class members which use the Period class and primitive types like String and int.
Extends SimpleProjectCustomField.
// to convert period to minutes (or other units) use get* methods:
var period = issue.fields.Estimation;
var minutes = !period ? 0 : (period.getMinutes() +
60 * (period.getHours() +
8 * period.getDays()));
// to create Period instance, use toPeriod function from date-time module:
issue.fields.Estimation = dateTime.toPeriod(3 * 3600 * 1000); // 3h in ms
issue.fields.Estimation = dateTime.toPeriod('3h'); // short form
issue.fields.Estimation = dateTime.toPeriod('2w4d3h15m'); // full form
Name | Type | Description | Read-only |
localizedName | | The localized name of the field. | |
name | | The name of the field. | |
nullValueText | | The text that is displayed for this field when it is empty. |
becomes(fieldName, expected)
Checks whether a field is set to an expected value in the current transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field to check. |
expected | | The expected value. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| If the field is set to the expected value, returns `true`. |
canBeReadBy(fieldName, user)
Checks whether a user has permission to read the field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field. |
user | | The user for whom the permission to read the field is checked. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| If the user can read the field, returns `true`. |
canBeWrittenBy(fieldName, user)
Checks whether a user has permission to update the field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field. |
user | | The user for whom the permission to update the field is checked. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| If the user can update the field, returns `true`. |
Returns the background color that is used for this field value in the specified issue. Can return `null`, `"white"`, or a hex color presentation.
Name | Type | Description |
issue | | The issue for which the background color is returned. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| The background color that is used for this field value in the specified issue. |
Returns the foreground color that is used for this field value in the specified issue. Can return `null`, `"white"`, or a hex color presentation.
Name | Type | Description |
issue | | The issue for which the foreground color is returned. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| The foreground color that is used for this field value in the specified issue. |
Returns the string presentation of the value that is stored in this field in the specified issue.
Name | Type | Description |
issue | | The issue for which the value presentation is returned. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| The string presentation of the value. |
Checks whether the value of a field is changed in the current transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field to check. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| If the value of the field is changed in the current transaction, returns `true`. |
Returns the previous value of a single-value field before an update was applied. If the field is not changed in the transaction, this value is equal to the current value of the field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field. |
Return Value
Type | Description | |
| previous If the field is changed in the current transaction, the previous value of the field. Otherwise, the current value of the field. |
required(fieldName, message)
Asserts that a value is set for a field. If a value for the required field is not set, the specified message is displayed in the user interface.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | | The name of the field to check. |
message | | The message that is displayed to the user that describes the field requirement. |