YouTrack Standalone 2017.4 Help

Default Roles

YouTrack provides a set of predefined default roles: System Admin, Project Admin, , Reporter, and Observer. For a comparison of the default permissions granted to default roles, see Permissions Comparison for Default Roles.

You cannot delete the Project Admin, or Developer roles. However, you can update the set of permissions that are assigned to these roles, change their names, and modify their descriptions.

If you want to create a custom set of permissions that are available to a group or user account, you can create new roles or edit predefined roles.

System Admin

The System Admin role is intended for use by the users who are responsible for the administration of your YouTrack instance.

This role is assigned all available permissions in YouTrack.

Project Admin

The Project Admin role is intended for use by the users who create and manages project. The Project Admin role has the same access rights as a Developer and can also manage projects settings like assignees, fields and workflows.

  • Add Attachment
  • Add Role in Project
  • Create Comment
  • Create Issue
  • Create Tag, Saved Search or Report
  • Create User
  • Create User Group
  • Delete Attachment
  • Delete Comment
  • Delete Issue
  • Delete Not Own and Permanent Comment Delete
  • Delete Tag or Saved Search
  • Delete User Group
  • Edit Tag or Saved Search
  • Link Issues
  • Read Comment
  • Read Issue
  • Read Issue Private Fields
  • Read Not Own Profile
  • Read Project
  • Read Role
  • Read Self
  • Read Service
  • Read User
  • Read User Group
  • Read Work Item
  • Remove Role in Project
  • Share Tag or Saved Search
  • Update Attachment
  • Update Comment
  • Update Issue
  • Update Issue Private Fields
  • Update Not Own Comment
  • Update Not Own Profile
  • Update Not Own Work Item
  • Update Project
  • Update Self
  • Update User Group
  • Update Watchers
  • Update Work Item
  • View Voters
  • View Watchers


The Developer role is intended for use by the users who create and work with issues. Users with the Developer role have the same access rights as a Reporter and can also change all issue attributes. This role is assigned the following permissions by default:

  • Add Attachment
  • Create Comment
  • Create Issue
  • Create Tag, Saved Search or Report
  • Delete Attachment
  • Delete Comment
  • Delete Issue
  • Delete Tag or Saved Search
  • Edit Tag or Saved Search
  • Link Issues
  • Read Comment
  • Read Issue
  • Read Issue Private Fields
  • Read Project
  • Read Self
  • Read User Group
  • Read Work Item
  • Share Tag or Saved Search
  • Update Attachment
  • Update Comment
  • Update Issue
  • Update Issue Private Fields
  • Update Self
  • Update Watchers
  • Update Work Item
  • View Voters
  • View Watchers


The Reporter role is intended for use by the users who create issues and monitor their progress. Users with the Reporter role can create new issues and comments, view existing issues and comments, and manage their own profile. This role is assigned the following permissions by default:

  • Add Attachment
  • Create Comment
  • Create Issue
  • Delete Comment
  • Link Issues
  • Read Comment
  • Read Issue
  • Read Self
  • Update Comment
  • Update Self


The Observer role is intended for use by the users who monitor the progress of issues. This role basically enables read-only access for a project. This role is assigned the following permissions by default:

  • Read Comment
  • Read Issue
  • Read Self
  • Update Self
Last modified: 7 March 2019