YouTrack Server

Search Query Reference 

This page provides a list of attributes and keywords that are used in YouTrack query language. You'll also find a complete list of operators, symbols, and relative date parameters that are recognized in search queries.

Issue Attributes 

Every issue has base attributes that are set automatically by YouTrack. These include the issue ID, the user who created or applied the last update to the issue, and so on.

These search attributes represent an <Attribute> in the Search Query Grammar. Their values correspond to the <Value> or <ValueRange> parameter.

Attribute-based search uses the syntax attribute: value.

  • You can specify multiple values for the target attribute, separated by commas.

  • Exclude specific values from the search results with the syntax attribute: -value.

In many cases, you can omit the attribute and reference values directly with the # or - symbols. For additional guidelines, see Attribute-based Search.


attachments: <text>

Returns issues that include attachments with the specified filename.


Accepts text. If the filename contains spaces, set multiple words in quotes or braces.


To find unresolved issues that are assigned to me and have an attachment with a filename that starts with sketch, enter #unresolved for: me attachments: sketch*.


Board <board name>: <sprint name>

Returns issues that are assigned to the specified sprint on the specified agile board. To find issues that are assigned to agile boards with sprints disabled, use has: <board name>.


Accepts the name of a sprint. Enclose sprint names with more than one word in braces.

Substitute the sprint name with {current sprint} to find issues that are assigned to the current sprint. To learn how YouTrack identifies the current sprint, see The Current Sprint.

This attribute can also be referenced as a single value with the syntax #<sprint name> or -<sprint name>.


To find all issues that are assigned to sprint 21 on the YouTrack Scrum board, enter Board YouTrack Scrum: {sprint 21}.


code: <text>

Returns issues that contain word forms that match the specified word or words inside {code} markup tags in the issue description or comments.


Accepts text. Values are parsed as described for Text Search.


To find unresolved issues in the TS project with the words hello and world inside {code} tags in a description or comment, enter in: TS #unresolved code: {hello world}.


commented: <date> | <period>

Returns issues to which comments were added on the specified date or within the specified period.


Accepts a date, custom period, or relative date parameter.

This attribute also accepts a user or group, but the unfiltered list of auto-completion options shows date-related values first. To see suggestions for users and groups, use the commenter attribute.


To find all issues in the YouTrack project that are assigned to the current user and were commented during the last week, enter #YouTrack for: me commented: {Last Week}.


commenter: <user> | <group>

Returns issues that were commented by the specified user or by a member of the specified group.


Accepts a user or group.


commented by


To find all issues which were created today, assigned to the current user, and commented by the user with the login John, enter created: today for: me commenter: John.


comments: <text>

Returns issues that contain word forms that match the specified word or words in a comment.


Accepts text. Values are parsed as described for Text Search.


To find issues in the JT project with the type Feature in the Agile management subsystem that contain the word burndown in one or more comments, enter in: JT #Feature Subsystem: {Agile management} comments: burndown.


created: <date> | <period>

Returns issues that were created on a specific date or within a specified time frame.


Accepts a date, custom period, or relative date parameter. This attribute also accepts a user or group, but the unfiltered list of auto-completion options shows date-related values first. To see suggestions for users and groups, use the reporter attribute.


To find all issues that were created today and are assigned to the current user, enter #my #issues created: today or #my created: today.


description: <text>

Returns issues that contain word forms that match the specified word or words in the issue description.


Accepts text. Values are parsed as described for Text Search.


To find unresolved issues in the GR project with the string groovy.lang.resolve.CollectClassMembersUtil in the description, enter in: GR #unresolved description: "groovy.lang.resolve.CollectClassMembersUtil".


has: <attribute>

The has keyword functions as a Boolean search term. When used in a search query, it returns all issues that contain a value for the specified attribute. Use the minus operator (-) before the specified attribute to find issues that have empty values.

For example, to find all issues in the TST project that are assigned to the current user, have a duplicates link, have attachments, but do not have any comments, enter in: TST for: me has: duplicates , attachments , -comments.

You can use the has keyword in combination with the following attributes:



attachmentsReturns issues that have attachments.
Board <board name>

Returns issues that are assigned to the specified agile board.


Returns issues that have one or more comments.


Returns issues that do not have an empty description.

<field name>

Returns issues that contain any value in the specified custom field. Enclose field names that contain spaces in braces.

<link type name>

Returns issues that have links that match the specified outward name or inward name. Enclose link names that contain spaces in braces.


Returns issues that have any issue link type.


Returns issues that have the star tag for the current user.


Returns issues that have one or more votes.


Returns issues that have one or more work items.

issue ID 

issue ID: <issue ID>, #<issue ID>

Returns an issue that matches the specified issue ID. This attribute can also be referenced as a single value with the syntax #<issue ID> or -<issue ID>. When the search returns a single issue, the result is displayed in full page view.

  • If you don't use the syntax for an attribute-based search (issue ID: <value> or #<value>), the input is also parsed as a text search. In addition to any issue that matches the specified issue ID, the search results include any issue that contains the specified ID in any text attribute.

  • If you set the issue ID in quotes, the input is only parsed as a text search. The search results only include issues that contain the specified ID in a text attribute.

Note that even when an issue ID is parsed as a text search, the results do not include issue links. To find issues based on issue links, use the links attribute or reference a specific link type.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find an issue with the ID JT-4232, enter issue ID: JT-4232 or #JT-4232.
  • If you enter the search as JT-4232, the results include the issue JT-4232 and any issue that contains this substring in the summary, description, or comment text.

  • If you enter the search as "JT-4232", the results only include issues that contain this substring in the summary, description, or comment text.

links: <issue ID>

Returns all issues that contains links to the specified issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find all issues in the TEST project that are linked to the issue ABC-4532, enter in: TEST links: ABC-4532.


project: <project name> | <project ID>

Returns issues that belong to the specified project. This attribute can also be referenced as a single value.


Accepts a project name or project ID.




To find all issues that belong to the ReSharper project that are assigned to current user, enter #my #ReSharper #issues or #my #ReSharper.


reporter: <user> | <group>

Returns issues that were created by the specified user or a member of the specified group. Use me to return issues that were created by the current user.


Accepts a user or group.


by, created by, reported by


To find all bugs reported by the user with the login yarko except for those with minor or normal priority, enter #bug reporter: yarko -minor -normal or #bug by: yarko -minor -normal.

resolved date 

resolved date: <date> | <period>

Returns issues that were resolved on a specific date or within a specified time frame.


Accepts a date, custom period, or relative date parameter.


To find all issues that are resolved in the MPS project this month, enter #MPS resolved date: {this month}.

saved search: <saved search name>

Returns issues that match the search criteria of a saved search. This attribute can also be referenced as a single value with the syntax #<saved search name> or -<saved search name>.


Accepts the name of a saved search.


To find issues that match a search query that was saved as resharper this week, enter saved search: {resharper this week}.


summary: <text>

Returns issues that contain word forms that match the specified word or words in the issue summary.


Accepts text. Values are parsed as described for Text Search.


To find issues with either scrum or board in the summary, enter summary: {scrum board}.
To find issues in the TS project that are assigned to the user john.johnson with the words Agile management in the summary (appearing in this order), enter in: TS assigned to: john.johnson summary: "Agile management".


tag: <tag name>

Returns issues that match a specified tag. This attribute can also be referenced as a single value with the syntax #<tag name> or -<tag name>


Accepts the name of a tag.


tagged as


To find all issues with the priority Minor that have the myparser tag, enter #minor tag: myparser or #minor #issues tagged as: myparser.


updated: <date> | <period>

Returns issues that were updated on a specific date or within a specified time frame.


Accepts a date, custom period, or relative date parameter.

This attribute also accepts a user or group, but the unfiltered list of auto-completion options shows date-related values first. To see suggestions for users and groups, use the updater attribute.


To find all issues that are resolved in the MPS project that were updated this month, enter #MPS updated: {this month} #resolved.


updater: <user> | <group>

Returns issues that were last updated by the specified user or a member of the specified group. Use me to return issues to which you applied the last update.


Accepts a user or group.


updated by


To find all major issues that you were the last person to update yesterday, enter updater: me updated: yesterday priority: major or updater: me #yesterday #major.

visible to 

visible to: <user> | <group>

Returns issues that are visible to the specified user or a member of the specified group.


Accepts a user or group.


To find all major issues for which the visibility is restricted to members of the YouTrack Team, enter priority: major visible to: {YouTrack Team}.


voter: <value>

Returns issues that have votes from the specified user or a member of the specified group.


Accepts a user or group.


voted by


To find all major issues that have votes from members of the YouTrack Team, enter priority: major voter: {YouTrack Team}.

Custom Fields 

You can find issue that are assigned specific values in a custom field. As with other issue attributes, you use the syntax attribute: value or attribute: -value. In this case, the attribute is the name of the custom field. In most cases, you can reference values directly with the # or - symbols.

For custom fields that are assigned an empty value, you can reference this property as a value. For example, to search for issues that are not assigned to a specific user, enter Assignee: Unassigned or #Unassigned. If the field is not assigned an empty value, find issues that do not store a value in the field with the syntax <field name>: {No <field name>} or has: -<field name>.

This section lists the search attributes for default custom fields. Note that default fields and their values can be customized. The actual field names, values, and aliases may vary.

Affected versions 

Affected versions: <value>

Returns issues that were detected in a specific version of the product.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Affected versions field.


affects, affecting, that affect


To find all issues that are assigned to the user John that were detected in version EAP3 of the product, enter Affected versions: EAP3 assigned to: John, or #issues affecting: EAP3 assigned to: John, or #issues that affect: EAP3 assigned to: John.


Assignee: <user> | <group>

Returns all issues that are assigned to the specified user or a member of the specified group.


Accepts a user or group.


assigned to, for


To find all issues with priority Show-stopper that are assigned to the user with the login John, enter Priority: Show-stopper Assignee: John or #Show-stopper for: John

Fix versions 

Fix versions: <value>

Returns issues that were fixed in a specific version of the product.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Fix versions field.


fix for, fixed in, version


To find all issues that are assigned to the user John that were fixed in version EAP3 of the product, enter for: John fixed in: EAP3.

Fixed in build 

Fixed in build: <value>

Returns issues that were fixed in the specified build.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Fixed in build field.


build, fix build, fix for, fixed in


To find all issues that are assigned to the user John that were fixed in build number 36724, enter for: John Fixed in build: 36724 or for: John fixed in: 36724.


Priority: <value>

Returns issues that match the specified priority level.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Priority field.


To find all unresolved issues with the priority Show-stopper that are assigned to the current user, enter #my #unresolved #show-stoppers or #my state: unresolved priority: show-stopper.


State: <value> | Resolved | Unresolved

Returns issues that match the specified state.
The Resolved and Unresolved states cannot be assigned to an issue directly, as they are properties of specific values that are stored in the State field.
By default, Fixed, Won't fix, Duplicate, Incomplete, Obsolete, and Can't reproduce states are set as Resolved.
The Submitted, Open, In Progress, Reopened, and To be discussed states are set as Unresolved.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the State field, Resolved, and Unresolved.


To find all critical bugs that are assigned to the user with the login john that were closed with the state Won't fix, enter #{won't fix} #critical #bug for: john or state: {won't fix} priority: critical #bug for: john.


Subsystem: <value>

Returns issues that are assigned to a specific subsystem within a project.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Subsystem field.




To find all issues that belong to the Smart UI subsystem, enter subsystem: {smart ui}.


Type: <value>

Returns issues that match the specified issue type.


Accepts any of the values that are stored in the Type field.


To find all issues that are assigned the ExceptionException type and are assigned to the current user, enter #exception assigned to: me.

You can search for issues that are linked to a specific issue. If you simply want to find any issues that are linked to a target issue, use the links attribute. Otherwise, you can find issues that are linked to a target issue by a specific link type. When you specify these attributes, enter the outward name or inward name of any issue link type, then specify the target issue.

The following search attributes are associated with the default issue link types. Note that the default issue link types can be customized. The actual names may vary.

Depends on 

Depends on: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have depends on links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find all tasks that are assigned to the current user depend on the issue JT-5072, enter for: me #task Depends on: JT-5072.


Duplicates: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have duplicates links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find issues that duplicate the issue JT-5072, enter Duplicates: JT-5072.

Is duplicated by 

Is duplicated by: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have is duplicated by links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find issues that are duplicated by the issue JT-5072, enter Is duplicated by: JT-5072.

Is required for 

Is required for: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have is required for links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find all tasks that are assigned to the current user that are required for issue JT-5072, enter for: me #task Is required for: JT-5072.

Parent for 

Parent for: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have parent for links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find the parent task for JT-5072, enter Parent for: JT-5072.

Relates to 

Relates to: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have relates to links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find all tasks that are assigned to the current user and are related to the issue with the ID JT-5072, enter for: me #task Relates to: JT-5072.

Subtask of 

Subtask of: <issue ID>

Returns issues that have subtask of links to a target issue.


Accepts only an issue ID.


To find all of the issues that are assigned to the current user and are linked as subtasks to JT-5072, enter for: me Subtask of: JT-5072.

There is a dedicated set of search attributes that you can use to find issues that contain time tracking data. These attributes look for specific values that have been added as work items to an issue.

work author 

work author: <user>

Returns issues that have work items that were added by the specified user.


Only accepts a user.


To find all issues in the 'TST' project that have work items that were added by the current user, enter: in: TST work author: me

work type 

work type: <value>

Returns issues that have work items that are assigned the specified work item type. The query work type: {No type} returns issues that have work items that are not assigned a work item type.


Accepts a predefined work item type.


To find all issues in the 'TST' project that have work items that are assigned the Development work item type, enter: in: TST work type: Development

work date 

work date: <date> | <period>

Returns issues that have work items that are recorded for the specified date or within the specified time frame.


Accepts a date, custom period, or relative date parameter.


To find all issues in the 'TST' project that have work items that were added last week, enter: in: TST work date: {Last week}

Sort Attributes 

You can specify the sort order for the list of issues that are returned by the search query.

You can sort issues by any of the attributes on the following list. In the Search Query Grammar, these attributes represent the <SortAttribute> value.

sort by 

sort by: <value> <sort order>

Sorts issues that are returned by the query in the specified order.


You can sort issues by values from the following attributes: star, updated, updater, {resolved date}, project, reporter, {issue id}, votes, summary, and <custom field>.

Sort Order

asc, desc


order by


To find all issues with the Fixed state that were either assigned to or reported by the current user, and sort them by the date of the last update in descending order, displaying the most recently updated issue first, enter #my #fixed sort by: updated desc.

When you perform a text search, the results are sorted by relevance. This sorting is applied by default. You cannot specify relevance as a sort attribute. For more information, see Sorting by Relevance.


There are a number of values that can be substituted with a keyword. When you use a keyword in a search query, you do not specify an attribute. A keyword is preceded by the number sign (#) or the minus operator. In the YouTrack Search Query Grammar, these keywords correspond to a <SingleValue>.


References the current user. This keyword can be used as a value for any attribute that accepts a user.

When used as a single value (#me) the search returns issues that are assigned to, reported by, or commented by the current user.

For example, to find unresolved issues that are assigned to, reported by, or contain comments from the current user, enter #me -Resolved.

The results also include issues that contain references to the current user in any custom field that stores values as users. For example, you have a custom field Reviewed by that stores a user type. The search query #me -Resolved also includes issues that reference the current user in this custom field.


An alias for me.


This keyword references the Resolved issue property. This property is set based on the current value or combination of values for any custom field that stores a state type. In the default State field, the Resolved property is enabled for the values Fixed, Won't fix, Duplicate, Incomplete, Obsolete, and Can't reproduce.

For projects that use multiple state-type fields, the Resolved property is only true when all of the state-type fields are assigned values that are considered to be resolved.

For example, to find all resolved issues that were updated today, enter #Resolved updated: Today



This keyword references the Unresolved issue property. This property is set based on the current value or combination of values for any custom field that stores a state type. In the default State field, the Resolved property is disabled for the values Submitted, Open, In Progress, Reopened, and To be discussed.

For projects that use multiple state-type fields, the Unresolved property is true when any state-type fields is assigned a value that is not considered to be resolved.

For example, to find all unresolved issues that are assigned to the user john.doe in the Test project, enter #Unresolved project: Test for: john.doe.


Use the following operators to create logical combinations of attributes in a search query.





Combine multiple search attribute subsets to expand the search request. Use this operator for issue fields with enum[*] types and tags.
The AND-expression is always processed as group and has a higher priority than OR-expressions in the query.

To find all issues in the 'TEST project' that have both the 'Next build' and 'to be tested' tags, enter:
in: TEST and (tag:{Next build} and tag:{to be tested})
To find all issues that are have the priority 'Critical' in project 'A' or have the priority 'Major' and are assigned to the current user in project 'B', enter:
in: A #Critical or in: B #Major and for: me


Combine multiple search attribute subsets to restrict the search request.

To find all issues in the 'TEST' project that are assigned to the current user or have the tag 'to be tested' in any project, enter:
in: TEST for: me or tag: {to be tested}

( )

Combine various search attributes to change the order in which attributes and operators are processed. The part of a search query inside the parentheses has priority and is always processed as a single unit.

A parentheses-expression can be used only as argument for OR- or AND-expressions. For example, the search query in:A #Critical (in:B and for:me) cannot be processed.

To find all issues that are assigned to the current user and are either 'Critical' in project 'A' or 'Major' in project 'B', enter:
(in: A #Critical or in: B #Major) and for: me


The following symbols can be used to extend or refine a search query.





Exclude a subset from a set of search query results. When you use this symbol with a single value, do not use the number sign.

To find all unresolved issues except for issues with minor priority and sort the list of results by priority in ascending order, enter #unresolved -minor sort by: priority asc.


List multiple values for a single attribute. Can be used in combination with a range.

To find all issues assigned to, reported or commented by the current user, which were created today or yesterday, enter #my created: Today, Yesterday.


Defines a range of values.

To find all issues fixed in version 1.2.1 and in all versions from 1.3 to 1.5, enter fixed in: 1.2.1, 1.3 .. 1.5.
To find all issues created between March 10 and March 13, 2011, enter created: 2011-03-10 .. 2011-03-13.


Indicates that the input represents a single value.

To find all unresolved issues in the MRK project that were reported by, assigned to, or commented by the current user, enter #my #unresolved in: MRK.

{ }

Encloses attribute values that contain spaces.

To find all issues with the Fixed state that have the tag to be tested, enter #Fixed tag: {to be tested}.

Date and Period Values 

Several search attributes reference values that are stored as a date. You can search for dates as single values or use a range of values to define a period.

Specify dates in the format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM or MM-DD. You also can specify a time in 24h format: HH:MM:SS or HH:MM. To specify both date and time, use the format: YYYY-MM-DD}}T{{HH:MM:SS. For example, the search query created: 2010-01-01T12:00 .. 2010-01-01T15:00 returns all issues that were created on 1 January 2010 between 12:00 and 15:00.

You can also use pre-defined relative parameters to search for date values. The values for these parameters are calculated relative to the current date according to the time zone of the current user. The actual value for each parameter is shown in the query assist panel.


The following relative date parameters are supported:




The current calendar day.


The previous calendar day.


The calendar Sunday for the current week.


The calendar Monday for the current week.


The calendar Tuesday for the current week.


The calendar Wednesday for the current week.


The calendar Thursday for the current week.


The calendar Friday for the current week.


The calendar Saturday for the current week.

{This week}

The period from 00:00 Monday to 23:59 Sunday for the current week.

{Last week}

The period from 00:00 Monday to 23:59 for the previous week.

{Two weeks ago}

The period from 00:00 Monday to 23:59 for the calendar week two weeks prior to the current date.

{Three weeks ago}

The period from 00:00 Monday to 23:59 for the calendar week three weeks prior to the current date.

{This month}

The period from the first day to the last day of the current calendar month.

{Last month}

The period from the first day to the last day of the previous calendar month.


The period from 1 January 1970 to the last day of the month two months prior to the current date.

Last modified: 7 March 2019