YouTrack Server

Migrate to YouTrack 

YouTrack has a range of tools that you can use to migrate your data from other issue tracking systems to YouTrack. When you import your data from another tracker, you can pick up right where you left off in the previous application.

The topics in this section provide instructions for importing data from a number of different issue tracking systems. If the issue tracker that you were previously using is not listed here, import your issues from a CSV file.

YouTrack has a standard integration that lets you import entire projects from a Jira instance. To learn how to set up and use the integration, see Import from Jira.

This section of the documentation provides instructions for the following migration scenarios:



Import from a CSV File

Import issues from any issue tracker that lets you export issues as a CSV file. Use this option to import issues from Trello (Business Class and Enterprise), Asana, GitLab and many others.

Import from Bugzilla

Import issues from Bugzilla with a Python import script.

Import from FogBugz

Import issues from FogBugz with a Python import script.

Import from GitHub

Import issues from GitHub with a Python import script.

Import from Mantis Bug Tracker

Import issues from Mantis Bug Tracker with a Python import script.

Import from Redmine

Import issues from Redmine with a Python import script.

Import from Trac

Import issues from Trac with a Python import script.

Import Issues from Another YouTrack Server

Import single issues or entire projects from one YouTrack server to another.

Migrate from Standalone to InCloud

Migrate from a self-hosted YouTrack Standalone server to a YouTrack InCloud instance hosted by JetBrains.

Migrate from InCloud to Standalone

Migrate from a YouTrack InCloud instance that is hosted by JetBrains to a self-hosted YouTrack Standalone server.

If you simply want to move a YouTrack Standalone installation from one server to another, you can configure your new YouTrack server to use a copy of your old database. For instructions, see Change Database Location.

Last modified: 7 March 2019