Where <version> is a full version number of an YouTrack build.
Execute the following command to run a container with the new YouTrack version, that you have pulled from the repository. All other attributes of the command (volumes and port mappings) must be the same as you have used to run the previous version of the YouTrack image:
docker run -it --name <arbitrary-youtrack-container-name> \
-v <path to data directory>:/opt/youtrack/data \
-v <path to conf directory>:/opt/youtrack/conf \
-v <path to logs directory>:/opt/youtrack/logs \
-v <path to backups directory>:/opt/youtrack/backups \
-p <port on host>:8080 \
jetbrains/youtrack:<new version>
In the console output, an URL to the web-based Configuration Wizard is provided.
In a browser, open the web-based Configuration Wizard by the URL.
Review the upgrade settings.
When done, click Upgrade.
YouTrack Standalone launches its components.
Do not close the page in the browser until the setup is complete. When the YouTrack Standalone server is ready, you are redirected to the login page.
Enter the credentials for the YouTrack Standalone administrator account and click the Log in button.
YouTrack opens to the Dashboard page.
Your YouTrack Standalone installation is upgraded and ready to use.
Upgrade a ZIP or MSI Installation with Docker Image
Create a backup of the YouTrack database while your existing YouTrack installation is running.