YouTrack Standalone 2019.1 Help

Change the User Account that Runs the Windows Service

By default, the YouTrack Windows service is run by the JetBrainsYouTrack user account that is created during the installation.

You can reconfigure the Windows service to run YouTrack service with another Windows account.

To run the Windows service with another Windows account:

  1. Grant read/write permissions to the target user for the following directories:

    • The installation directory. By default, YouTrack is installed in C:\YouTrack.

    • C:\ProgramData\JetBrains\YouTrack

    If you upgraded YouTrack from a previous version, grant read/write permissions to the target user for the folders that you set for the following locations:

    • Data Directory Location
    • Backup Location
    • Logs Location
    • Temp Location

    You can find the location of these directories in the configuration file:

  2. Open the Administrative Tools > Services window on your Windows server.

  3. Stop the JetBrains YouTrack service.

  4. Open the Properties > Log On dialog.

  5. Change the service user account to the target user account.

  6. Start the YouTrack Web service.

Last modified: 8 July 2019