YouTrack Server
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Back Up the Database

Last modified: 17 December 2019

To protect your installation against ransomware and recover from hardware or software failure, you should backup your YouTrack database on a regular basis. You should always have at least one recent, valid backup copy of your database that you can use to restore your installation.

To access database controls, select Database Backup from the Administration menu.

database backup

You can back up YouTrack database right away or use a cron expression to back up the database on a set schedule (see cron expression syntax for reference).
There are several things to take note of regarding YouTrack database settings and controls:

  • If YouTrack uses a built-in Hub service, YouTrack automatically switches the database to read-only mode when you start the database backup. This preserves the synchronization between the YouTrack and Hub databases. Users can still access and update issues in YouTrack, but most of the settings on administrative pages are read only. For best results, schedule backups outside of working hours.

  • You can't cancel the database backup once it has started.

  • Notifications about the status of the database backup can only be configured for YouTrack application administrators.