Command Grammar
Last modified: 17 December 2019
This page provides a BNF description of the YouTrack command grammar.
<CommandList> ::= <Command> ( <Command> )*
<Command> ::= <Comment> | <Value> | <LinkCommand> | <TagCommand> | <AttributeCommand> | <MultipleCommand>
<Comment> ::= 'comment'
<LinkCommand> ::= <LinkType> <IssueId>
<TagCommand> ::= 'tag' (<TagName> | <NewTagName>) | 'untag' <TagName>
<StarCommand> ::= ( 'unstar' | 'star' ) [ <Username> ]
<AttributeCommand> ::= <Attribute> <Value>
<MultipleCommand> ::= ('add' | 'remove') (<Value> | <LinkCommand> | <MultipleAttributeCommand> )
<MultipleAttributeCommand> ::= <MultipleAttribute> <Value>
Grammar is case-insensitive.
For a complete list of command attributes, see Command Reference.
Command | Description |
Fixed | Set the value of the State field to Fixed. |
relates to IS-007 | Add a relates to link to the issue with the ID IS-007 in the selected issue. |
star me | Star the issue for the current user. |
add affects 1.0 | Add to enumeration "Affected versions" version 1.0. |
tag Todo | Adds the 'Todo' tag to the selected issue. |
remove tag Todo | Removes the 'Todo' tag from the selected issue. |
state To be discussed | Set the value of the State field to To be discussed. |