Workflows in YouTrack let you customize and automate the lifecycle of issues in your project. With workflows, you can easily notify teams about events, enforce policies, execute periodic tasks, and support existing business processes.
Workflows in JavaScript
Starting from YouTrack 2017.2, you can write workflows in JavaScript instead of the domain-specific language that is used in previous versions. You can write a workflow in any IDE that supports JavaScript, pack it into a ZIP file and upload it to YouTrack.
WebinarWatch a webinar that shows you how to work with the built-in workflow editor and write workflows in JavaScript.
In addition, we built a web-based workflow editor inside YouTrack. Here, you can write a workflow from scratch without leaving YouTrack.
From YouTrack 2018.3, we no longer support new workflows that are written in the external workflow editor. We will continue to support workflows that were written in this editor through the first YouTrack release in 2019. After that point in time, we will only support workflows in JavaScript. To ensure that YouTrack continues to support your business logic, we encourage you to convert old workflows to JavaScript. For details, see Converting Old Workflows to JavaScript.
What's a Workflow?
In YouTrack, a workflow is a set of rules that can be attached to a project. These rules define a lifecycle for issues in a project and automate changes that can be applied to issues.
When you create a workflow, you can attach it to a project and activate specific rules. A workflow can contain several rules, but you can choose which combination of rules you want to activate in different projects. YouTrack lets you attach a workflow to several projects and enable or disable rules for each project individually. For detailed instructions, see Manage Workflows for Multiple Projects.
Default Workflows
YouTrack provides several default workflows that cover the most general use cases. For example, workflows that automatically assign an issue to a subsystem owner or process duplicate issue.
Many default workflows are auto-attached. These workflows are attached automatically to all new projects.
For a complete list of the workflows that are bundled with YouTrack, see Default Workflows.
Custom Workflows
If you need a workflow that supports a specific use case, you can write your own. You can either customize a default workflow to support your use case or create a new workflow. For more information, see Edit a Workflow and Create a Workflow.
YouTrack Workflow CommunityIf you're having a difficult time getting your custom workflow to do what you want, join us in Slack. Get help in real time directly from the development team. Connect with other users to find real solutions to challenging situations.
You can also use custom workflows that have been uploaded to the Custom Workflow Repository in GitHub.