Download User Data
YouTrack stores information that can be used to identify users, such as the user's full name and email address. Under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data subjects who reside in the European Union, users have the right to access their personal data. Users with registered accounts can view and update most of their personal data by themselves. They also have access to download a copy of their personal data directly from their profile.
Users who have been banned are unable to log in and access this information. In this situation, a user with the Low-level Admin Read permission can download a copy of the personal data which can then be provided to the user who requests it.
When you download the personal data for a user, the following information is collected from the YouTrack database and generated in CSV format:
Full name
Jabber account
VCS user names
Historical changes to user profile data — each record includes the date ranges during which the values were present
Access detail for the most recent login from any authentication modules that have been used to log in to YouTrack — each record includes the date and time of last access, IP address, device, and operating system
To download a copy of the personal data for another user:
Requires permissions: Read User Full, Low-level Admin Read
In the Access Management section of the Administration menu, select Users.
Locate the user whose data you want to export in the list. Use the filter to find users that match specific attributes.
Click the name of the user to open the user profile page.
Click the Download in CSV format button next to the Personal data setting.
A copy of the users's personal data downloads to your local directory.
The file is assigned a name with the format
<login> data.csv