Redesigned Issues List
We've released an updated version of the Issues list as an experimental feature. This version of the page is still in early stages of development. There are several features that are supported in the current version that have not yet been implemented in the new version. However, we will continue to update the experimental version and add support for these features as soon as they're ready.
By default, the feature is enabled for the All Users group. This means that everyone has the ability to switch to the experimental version of the page. Users who prefer to use the current version of the page can switch back at any time.
If working with the experimental version has a negative impact on the productivity of your teams, you can disable this feature or restrict access to specific groups on the Feature Configuration page. To learn how to disable an experimental feature, see Manage Experimental Features.
Recent Updates
As an experimental feature, we continuously deliver new functionality for the Issues list as soon as the changes are ready. We're listening to your feedback and updating the interface accordingly.
Highlights in Search Results
When you search for issues that contain specific strings of text, all of the word forms that match the words that are specified in the query are highlighted in the list.

This makes it easier to find the exact issues that you were hoping to find with your search query.
AvailabilityThis enhancement is available starting from YouTrack version 2019.2.57829.
Improved Presentation of Custom Fields and Tags
We've improved the readability of values for custom fields by using all of the available space instead of trimming values to fit inside columns with predefined widths. For fields that store values that are too long to be shown in their entirety, the field name and complete value are shown in a tooltip.

We've also removed with restrictions for showing labels on tags. As a result, you should be able to view all of this information without opening single issue view.
AvailabilityThis enhancement is available starting from YouTrack version 2019.2.57829.
Live Updates
Similar to what we've done with agile boards and single issue view, we now apply updates to issues that are visible in the list in real time. You can see changes applied to the summary, description, and custom fields without refreshing the page. You’ll also see incremental updates to the counters for attachments, comments, and votes and changes when other users add or remove tags.
However, you won't see any changes applied to the search results. When you first open the page or enter a search query, the issues that match the current search context and search query are shown and sorted either in the default order or in the order that is specified by the query.
When a change is applied that causes an issue to stop matching the current search criteria, the change is shown in the issue, but the issue is not removed from the list.
Similarly, when a change causes an issue to match the query, it not added to the list in real time.
Changes that would cause an issue to appear higher in the list are also shown in each issue, but the sort order is not updated.
To realize updates that affect the search results, you need to refresh the page or re-execute the search query.
The latest update brings back the sidebar. This implementation provides links to show issues for your favorite projects, saved searches, and tags. The counters show the total number of projects, saved searches, and tags that are available to you based on your access rights for projects and the sharing settings for saved searches and tags.

The sidebar shows links that correspond to the projects, saved searches, and tags that you have marked as your personal favorites These links provide access to a list of issues that match the corresponding search query.
To add an item to the sidebar, expand the list of available items and click the star icon.
Click the edit icon to update the corresponding saved search or tag.
Click the link at the bottom of the drop-down list to create a new saved search or tag.

You can choose whether to show or hide the sidebar by clicking the control in the header or using one of these keyboard shortcuts:
For Windows and Linux operating systems, press Ctrl + Shift + Backspace
For macOS, press Control + Shift + Delete
Reports Menu
The option to generate reports that include issues matching the current search context and query is now available from the Reports menu in the application header.

The following actions are performed when you select a report from the list:
If you have a project selected in the search context, this project is pre-selected in the Projects setting for the new report.
If you have a saved search or tag in the search context, the context is copied to the Issue filter setting.
The current search query is copied to the Issue filter setting. If you have a search query in addition to a saved search or tag in the search context, these values are combined and added to the report filter.
Select All Issues
An option to select all issues has been added to the toolbar.
Select the checkbox in the header to select all of the issues on the current page.
When all of the issues on the current page are selected, you see the option to select all of the issue that match the current search query in the toolbar.
When all of the issues that match the search query are selected, you see the option to clear the selection in the toolbar.
You can also cycle through these three states with these keyboard shortcuts:
For Windows and Linux operating systems, press Ctrl + A
For macOS, press ⌘ + A
Sort Options
A new and improved collection of controls let you sort the issues in the list using a wide range of sort criteria. By default, issues are sorted by last update, in descending order. To apply a different sort order, click the Sorted by drop-down menu in the toolbar.

The following controls are available in this menu:
Control | Description |
Add a sort attribute | Lets you select additional attributes for sorting issues and apply them to the list. |
Remove sort attribute | Removes unwanted sorting options from the list. |
Change sort direction | Determines whether issues are sorted in ascending or descending order for the values that are stored in the corresponding attribute. |
Drag to change order | Determines the priority with which the sorting options are applied to issues in the list. Attributes that appear higher in the list are assigned greater sort priority. |
AvailabilityThe option to sort the results for a text-based search query is not available in the experimental version of the Issues list. To sort search results by relevance, you need to turn off the experimental UI.
Accessing the Experimental UI
When this feature is active, you see the option to switch to the experimental UI in the upper-right corner of the Issues list.

On the experimental UI, the same control lets you switch back to the classic version of the page.

Switching between views updates the state of the Use experimental UI for Issues list option in your profile settings.

Query Syntax Highlights
The new version of the Issues uses an updated scheme for highlighting different parts of a search query. This is the same highlighting scheme that is applied to search queries in single issue view.
When you enter a query in the search box, YouTrack applies visual indicators to the query. This formatting tells you that your query has been parsed as a structured search.

Attributes are shown as normal text without formatting.
Attribute values are shown in blue text.
Words that are parsed as text search are shown in gold.
Invalid parameters are underlined in red.
Save Action for Current Search
The option to store the current search criteria as a saved search is back and better than ever. Any time you have a query in the search box, you can click the bookmark icon to save and share your search criteria.

To learn more about saved searches in YouTrack, see Saved Searches.
Smart Filters
Just below the search bar, a new set of smart filters helps you find issues that match predefined search criteria.

Use the following controls to work with filters:
Toggle the visibility of the filters by clicking the filter icon in the search bar.
Select a value from the list for a filter attribute. There are pre-defined filters for Project, Assignee, Priority, State, and Tag. When you select a value, the attribute and value are added to the current search query and the query is applied to the Issues list. The values that are shown in these lists is filtered to show only options that are relevant to issues that are returned by the current search query.
If a pre-defined filter is not relevant to the current search query, it is hidden. For example, if you select a project as the search context, the Project filter is hidden. If you filter for issues in a project that doesn't use the State field, the State filter is hidden, and so on.
Use the More Filters option to select additional search attributes. When you select an attribute from the list, the list of available values for the selected attribute is shown. Select a value from the list to add this filter to your search query.
Issue Toolbar
The options that are shown in the toolbar have been grouped and rearranged to match the toolbar that is used in the new view for single issues.

The following controls are available in the new Issues list:
Control | Description |
Open command dialog | Opens a dialog that lets you apply one or more commands to the current issue. For a list of supported commands, see Command Reference. |
Link issue | Opens a list from which you can select an issue link type. When you select an issue link type, a dialog for linking the selected issue to one or more target issues opens. |
Add tag | Opens a list of tags that are available to you. Select a tag from the list to add the tag to the current issue. |
Assign | Opens a list of users to whom the issue can be assigned. Select a user from the list to update the value in the Assignee field. |
Export issue data | Opens a list of options for exporting issue data. For details, see Options for Exporting Issue Data. |
Show more | Displays a list of additional actions. This menu also contains custom actions that are supported by workflows. |
Multi-select Issue Range
You can select a range of issues by pressing the Shift key and click an issue. This inclusively selects all of the issues from the issue that currently has focus and the issue that you click to select the range.

Options for Exporting Issue Data
YouTrack lets you export data for a list of issues. The following options are available:
Option | Description |
Export in XSLX | Exports issue data in Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx). Exports in Excel format preserve data types for values in custom fields and other issue attributes. |
Export in CSV | Exports issue data to a CSV file (.csv). Exports in CSV format do not preserve data types. |
These options are available when you click the Export issue data button in the toolbar.

Use these options to upload issues to another application or use third-party software to compile custom reports.
The maximum number of issues that you can export is determined by the Max Issues to Export setting on the Global Settings page. The default value is 500. If the number of issues that you want to export exceeds the global limit, ask an administrator to increase this value. For more information, see System.
When you select an export option, the list of issues is filtered to match the current search query and context. The export file contains the following details for each issue:
Item | Description |
Issue ID | The ID that is assigned to the issue in the project. |
Project | The project that the issue belongs to. |
Tags | A list of tags that are attached to the issue. |
Summary | The issue summary. |
Reporter | The full name of the user who reported the issue. |
Created | The date and time the issue was created. |
Updated | The date and time when the issue was last updated. |
Resolved | The date and time when the issue was resolved. |
Custom Fields | The value that is set for each custom field in the issue. |
Description | The issue description. |
Votes | The current number of votes for the issue. |
Issue Count
The number of issues that match the current query is shown at the top of the list, in line with the controls in the toolbar.

When you display the list of issues in tree view, this number still represents the number of issues that match the current search criteria. Non-matching parent issues are not included in this count. Parent issues that don't match the current search criteria are dimmed in the list.
View Modes
The option to view issues in one-line, compact, and detailed view is replaced with a slider. These modes are represented by the letters S (one-line), M (compact), and L (detailed).

The option to view issues as a tree is now shown for all levels of detail.
Field Visibility Settings
We've reimplemented the control that lets you choose which fields are visible on the Issues list.

When the search context is Everything, the list shows any field in any project that is currently visible in the Issues list for your account. To remove a field from the views that you work with on a regular basis, you can either select a project in the search context or restrict the set of visible fields to a specific project in the Visible Fields menu.
To remove a field from the Issues list, click the Remove field icon next to the field in the Visible Fields menu.
To add a field to the Issues list, click the Add field link and select the field that you want to show.
As with the previous version of the page, values for custom fields are only visible when the level of detail is set to M (compact) or L (detailed).
Manually Ordered Lists
As with the previous version, you have the option to apply a manual order to a list of issues. The vertical line to the left of the list indicates where this custom order begins and ends.

To modify the custom order:
Move your pointer over the handles to the left of an issue.
Press and hold the mouse button.
Drag the issue to the desired position in the list.
Manual sorting is only available when the search context is set to a project, saved search, or tag.
If you are the owner of the project, saved search, or tag, the custom sort order is visible to any user who has access to issues in the project or has permission to view and use the saved search or tag. The custom order is shown when the user sets the context to the project, saved search, or tag.
If you are not the owner of the project, saved search, or tag, the custom sort order is stored locally for your user account. Other users can apply a separate custom order independent from the order that you apply to your local copy of the list.
Unsupported Features
There are a few minor features that are supported in the current version of the Issues list that are not available in the experimental version. Support for these features will either be added in a later version or replaced with enhanced functionality.
To access a specific action or operation that has yet to be implemented, click the toggle in the upper-right corner of the page to turn off the experimental UI.

The following features are not available in the experimental version:
You no longer have a control that lets you choose to show fewer than 100 issues per page. The page automatically shows the first 100 issues that match the current search criteria. In tree view, you see the first 100 matching issues and their subtasks.
Linked issues are not visible in the experimental UI.
As this is work in progress, we welcome your feedback. We strongly encourage those of you who are working with the experimental version of the Issues list to share your thoughts and suggestions for what the final version should be. To report bugs and suggest improvements, create an issue in our YouTrack development project.