Operations with Specific SavedQuery
This resource lets you access and work with saved searches in YouTrack.
Resource |
Returned entity | SavedQuery. For the description of the entity attributes, see Supported Fields section. |
Supported methods |
SavedQuery attributes
Represents a saved search.
Extends WatchFolder
This table describes attributes of the SavedQuery
To receive an attribute in the response from server, specify it explicitly in the request parameter
.To update an attribute, provide it in the body of a POST request.
Field | Type | Description |
query | String | The query that is saved in this search. |
issues | Array of Issues | The collection of issues that match this saved search. |
owner | User | A user who created — hence, owns — the watch folder. |
visibleFor | UserGroup | Group of users that can see this watch folder. If the folder is visible only for its owner, this property is null. |
updateableBy | UserGroup | Group of users that can update this watch folder. If only the folder's owner can update it, this property is null. |
name | String | The name of the issue folder. |
Read a Specific SavedQuery
Read settings of the saved search with the specified ID.
Required permissions
To view saved search user should be either it's author or be a part of the user group saved search is shared with.
Request syntax
GET /api/savedQueries/{queryID}?{fields}
{queryID} | Database ID of the saved search. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fields | String | A list of SavedQuery attributes that should be returned in the response. If no field is specified,only the |
Sample request URI
Sample response body
"query": "Priority: Major #Unresolved",
"issues": [
"idReadable": "SP-38",
"summary": "New summary",
"id": "2-42",
"$type": "Issue"
"visibleFor": null,
"owner": {
"login": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"$type": "User"
"name": "Unresolved Major",
"id": "51-33",
"$type": "SavedQuery"
Update a Specific SavedQuery
Update settings of the saved search with the specified ID.
Required permissions
To update saved search user should be either it's author or be a part of the user group that can edit saved search.
Request syntax
POST /api/savedQueries/{queryID}?{fields}
{queryID} | Database ID of the saved search. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fields | String | A list of SavedQuery attributes that should be returned in the response. If no field is specified,only the |
Sample request URI
Sample request body
"query": "in: SP Priority: Major #Unresolved",
"visibleFor": {"id":"3-2"},
"name": "Major Unresolved in SP"
Sample response body
"query": "in: SP Priority: Major #Unresolved",
"issues": [
"idReadable": "SP-38",
"summary": "New summary",
"id": "2-42",
"$type": "Issue"
"visibleFor": {
"name": "Sample Project Team",
"id": "3-2",
"$type": "UserGroup"
"owner": {
"login": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"$type": "User"
"name": "Major Unresolved in SP",
"id": "51-33",
"$type": "SavedQuery"
Delete a Specific SavedQuery
Delete the saved search with the specified ID.
Required permissions
To delete saved search user should be either it's author or be a part of the user group that can edit saved search.
Request syntax
DELETE /api/savedQueries/{queryID}
{queryID} | Database ID of the saved search. |
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fields | String | A list of SavedQuery attributes that should be returned in the response. If no field is specified,only the |