Activity Items
This resource provides access to the activities with the possibility to filter them by various parameters.
Resource |
Returned entity | ActivityItem. For the description of the entity attributes, see Supported Fields section. |
Supported methods |
ActivityItem attributes
Represents a change in an issue or in its related entities. In the UI, you see these changes as the Activity stream. It shows a feed of all updates of the issue: issue history, comments, attachments, VCS changes, work items, and so on.
This table describes attributes of the ActivityItem
To receive an attribute in the response from server, specify it explicitly in the request parameter
.To update an attribute, provide it in the body of a POST request.
Field | Type | Description |
author | User | The user who performed the action. |
timestamp | Long | The timestamp of the activity. |
removed | Type is specified in the descendent Entities | Single value or the list of values which were removed from a property of the target entity. |
added | Type is specified in the descendent Entities | Single value or the list of values which were added to a property of the target entity. |
target | Type is specified in the descendent Entities | The entity that is the target of the performed action. |
targetMember | String | The name of the property of the target entity, which was modified. |
field | FilterField | The filter field. It contains the additional information about the modified property in the target entity. For example, the information about a link type, or the type of the modified custom field or bundle, and so on. |
category | ActivityCategory | The category of the activity. |
Read a List of ActivityItems
Get the list of all available activities.
Request syntax
GET /api/activities?{fields}&{$top}&{$skip}&{categories}&{reverse}&{start}&{end}&{author}&{issueQuery}
Request parameters
Parameter | Type | Description |
fields | String | A list of ActivityItem attributes that should be returned in the response. If no field is specified,only the |
$skip | Int | Optional. Lets you set a number of returned entities to skip before returning the first one. |
$top | Int | Optional. Lets you specify the maximum number of entries that are returned in the response. |
categories | String | Mandatory. Parameter filters returned activities by categories. You must specify at least one category per request. You can specify the
See this table for mapping between available categories and returned types of activity items. |
reverse | Boolean | Indicates whether the order of returning activities is from newest to oldest or the opposite. If "false", then the oldest activity item that matches a selected filter is returned first. If "true", then the newest activity is returned first. By default, "false". |
start | String | Start timestamp of the time interval the activity timestamp belongs to. If the parameter is not set, it is considered to be 0. |
end | String | End timestamp of the time interval the activity timestamp belongs to. If the parameter is not set, it is considered as Long.MAX_VALUE. |
author | String | Parameter to filter activities by the author. The database id or login, or Hub id, or 'me' for the current logged in user could be specified. |
issueQuery | String | Issues search query. Read more about search syntax. |
Sample request URI,author(id,login,name),timestamp,added(id,idreadable),target(id,idReadable)&categories=IssueCreatedCategory,CommentsCategory&$skip=30&$top=3
Sample response body
"added": [
"id": "4-2",
"$type": "IssueComment"
"id": "4-2.0-0",
"author": {
"login": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"id": "1-2",
"$type": "User"
"timestamp": 1533221614364,
"target": {
"id": "4-2",
"$type": "IssueComment"
"$type": "CommentActivityItem"
"added": [],
"id": "2-32.0-0",
"target": {
"idReadable": "SP-33",
"id": "2-32",
"$type": "Issue"
"author": {
"login": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"id": "1-2",
"$type": "User"
"timestamp": 1534186348819,
"$type": "IssueCreatedActivityItem"
"added": [
"id": "4-3",
"$type": "IssueComment"
"id": "4-3.0-0",
"author": {
"login": "john.doe",
"name": "John Doe",
"id": "1-2",
"$type": "User"
"timestamp": 1535547095738,
"target": {
"id": "4-3",
"$type": "IssueComment"
"$type": "CommentActivityItem"