YouTrack Standalone 2020.3 Help


Represents the format, in which the period values are displayed to the user.

This table describes attributes of the PeriodFieldFormat entity.

  • To receive an attribute in the response from server, specify it explicitly in the request parameter fields.

  • To update an attribute, provide it in the body of a POST request.






Identifier of the period format. The follow formats are available:

  • FULL: Represents a time period as a number of weeks, days, hours and minutes. For example, 1w 1d 1h 5m.

  • DAYS_HOURS_MINUTES: Represents a time period as a number of days, hours and minutes. For example, 6d 1h 5m.

  • HOURS_MINUTES: Represents a time period as a number of hours and minutes. For example, 46h 5m.

  • MINUTES: Represents a time period as a number of minutes. For example, 2765m.

Last modified: 28 October 2020