YouTrack Standalone 2020.3 Help

Configure Built-in TLS from the Command Line

The instructions on this page show you how to configure built-in TLS for an existing installation using command-line arguments.

Using the command line, you can switch between the following connection modes:




The default HTTP mode. TLS is disabled.

HTTP mode is only suitable for test installations or when connections to YouTrack are routed through an SSL-terminating reverse proxy server.


A secure HTTPS mode. TLS is enabled.

The configuration parameters let you secure your server connections using the following file formats:

  • A keystore that contains private key/certificate data in JKS or PKCS #12 format.

  • A private key, certificate, and (optional) certificate chain as separate files in PEM format.

To switch modes, stop YouTrack and run the configure command. The values that you specify for each of the parameters in the command define your configuration of choice. See below for detailed instructions and a complete list of properties for each configuration.

Switching to HTTP Mode

When you run YouTrack with plain HTTP mode, the connections between web browsers and your server are not secured over SSL/TLS. YouTrack is also optimized to use the HTTP/2 protocol, which most servers only support for HTTPS connections. For optimal performance, strongly advise against using plain HTTP.

The one case where it's safe to switch from HTTPS mode to HTTP is when you modify your server environment to use an SSL-terminating reverse proxy. In this case, you switch YouTrack to run in HTTP mode. Instead of using built-in TLS, you configure the reverse proxy to secure your server traffic and support HTTP/2 connections.

To switch to HTTP mode:

  1. Stop the YouTrack service.

  2. Enter the following command:

    <youtrack>/bin/ configure \ --listen-port=8080 \ --base-url=<new base URL> \ --secure-mode=disable

    If the server base URL changes as a result of switching to HTTP mode, use the --base-url=<new base URL> parameter to set this value.

    For more information about the parameters that are used in this command, see Configuration Parameters.

  3. Start the YouTrack service.

Switching to HTTPS Mode

The configure command lets you switch from HTTP to HTTPS mode. To enable secure HTTPS mode, you need to provide YouTrack with a private key and certificate. You can supply the private key and certificate as:

  • A keystore that contains private key/certificate data in JKS or PKCS #12 format.

  • A private key, certificate, and (optional) certificate chain as separate files in PEM format.

Before you start, copy your secure files to a location that is available to your YouTrack server.

The configure command supports different properties that are specific to these file types. Follow the procedure that is applicable for the type of files that are available to you.

You can also follow these procedures if you have already configured HTTPS and simply want to apply a new certificate and private key to your YouTrack server.

To switch to HTTPS mode using an SSL keystore file:

  1. Stop the YouTrack service.

  2. Run the following command:

    <youtrack>/bin/ configure \ --listen-port=443 \ --base-url=<new base URL> \ --secure-mode=tls \ --tls-server-cert-keystore-file=<path-to-keystore> \ --tls-server-cert-keystore-password=<keystore password> \ --tls-server-cert-keystore-key-alias=<private key entry alias> \ [--tls-server-cert-keystore-key-password=<private key entry password>] \ --tls-redirect-from-http=<[true|false]> \ [--tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port=8080]
    • If the server base URL changes as a result of switching to HTTPS mode, use the --base-url=<new base URL> parameter to set this value.

    • If you are switching from HTTP to HTTPS mode, you can designate a redirect listen port. This non-secure port receives all HTTP requests and redirects them to the secure listen port. To do so, use tls-redirect-from-http=true and specify a value for the tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port=<your redirect port number> property.

    For more information about the parameters that are used in this command, see Configuration Parameters.

  3. Start the YouTrack service.

To switch to the HTTPS mode using a private key and certificate:

  1. Stop the YouTrack service.

  2. Run the following command:

    <youtrack>bin/ configure \ --listen-port=443 \ --base-url=<new base URL> \ --secure-mode=tls \ --tls-server-cert-key-file=<path-to-private-key-file> \ --tls-server-cert-file=<path-to-certificate-file> \ [--tls-server-cert-chain-file=<path-to-certificate-chain-file>] \ --tls-redirect-from-http=<[true|false]> \ [--tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port=8080]
    • If the private key is encrypted, add the tls-server-cert-private-key-passphrase property to provide the passphrase for the key.

    • If you want to define relative paths to the certificate files, use tls-server-cert-key-file, tls-server-cert-file, and tls-server-cert-chain-file. Set the value for the additional tls-server-cert-folder property with the absolute path to the directory. Relative paths are resolved against the specified absolute path.

    • If the server base URL changes as a result of switching to HTTPS mode, use the --base-url=<new base URL> parameter to set this value.

    • If you are switching from HTTP to HTTPS mode, you can designate a redirect listen port. This non-secure port receives all HTTP requests and redirects them to the secure listen port. To do so, use tls-redirect-from-http=true and specify a value for the tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port=<your redirect port number> property.

    For more information about the parameters that are used in this command, see Configuration Parameters.

  3. Start the YouTrack service.

Configuration Parameters

The following table provides a list of parameters that you can use to configure built-in TLS.





disable | tls

The connection mode that is applied to the YouTrack server. This property supports the following values:

  • disable — TLS is disabled. This is the default value for this property.

  • tls — TLS is enabled.


The port on which YouTrack listens to HTTP traffic.


The URL that end users request to access your YouTrack installation. For example,

  • When the value for the secure-mode property is tls or your YouTrack installation is secured behind an SSL-terminating reverse proxy server, the URL should begin with https.

  • Otherwise (when running YouTrack using plain HTTP), the URL begins with http.


true | false

Set to true, to enable an additional port (defined by property tls-redirect-from-http-listen-port) to accept unencrypted HTTP traffic and redirect it to a secure port defined by the property listen-port.

The default value is false.


Specify an additional port to accept unencrypted HTTP traffic and redirect it to a secure port defined by the property listen-port (to enable this port, set the property tls-redirect-from-http to true).


An (optional) absolute path to resolve relative paths defined by other command line parameters, when present. Relative paths to server certificate files that are specified in other properties are resolved against this directory. The properties that can reference relative paths are:

  • tls-server-cert-key-file
  • tls-server-cert-file
  • tls-server-cert-chain-file
  • tls-server-cert-keystore-file


The location of a keystore file in either JKS or PKCS #12 format.


Keystore integrity password


The alias of the entry in the keystore that contains the server certificate and the private key. If your keystore uses the PKCS #12 format, follow these guidelines:

  • Use the value that is stored as the friendlyName in the keystore.

  • If the private key and certificate pair was not marked with a friendlyName during generation, use this parameter to provide the sequential number of this pair in the keystore. For a keystore that only contains one certificate and private key pair, set the value to 1.


Password that protects your server's private key entry in the keystore.


The location of a private key (PKCS #1 or PKCS #8) file, stored in PEM format.


The location of a certificate file, stored in PEM format.


The (optional) location of a file that contains the certificate chain, stored in PEM format.



If you use an encrypted private key, then use this property to provide the passphrase that was used for encryption. Supported for both PKCS #1 and PKCS #8 formats.

Last modified: 28 October 2020