YouTrack Standalone 2020.3 Help


Context contains a number of entities which may be useful during a rule execution. Context is passed as an argument to action, onEnter and onExit functions. It contains:

  • An issue, which is an object of a current rule. Its origin varies depending on rule type (see a table below). If several issues become objects at the same time, rules are executed for each issue separately in no specific order.

  • A currentUser, who is a subject of a current rule. It also varies depending on rule type (see a table below). Note that the change initiator is inherited. If the execution of a scheduled rule triggers an on-change rule, the currentUser for the on-change rule is inherited from the scheduled rule.

  • All entities that are defined in Requirements.

Rule type




The issue which is changed

The user who initiated this change


The issue which matches the search criteria

A dedicated Workflow User (a system user with full set of permissions)


The issue on which a corresponding command is executed

The user who executed a command

State machine - instant actions

The issue where the controlled field is changed

The user who changed the value of the controlled field

State machine - 'after' actions

The issue where the value of the controlled field is equal to the value specified for the action

A dedicated Workflow User (a system user with full set of permissions)

Last modified: 28 October 2020