YouTrack Standalone 2021.1 Help

What's New

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of the changes that are available in this version.

New Features

Notification Center

Our new in-app notification center delivers messages that match your subscriptions, mentions, and reactions to your comments. The access point in the application header lets you view this information from any page in YouTrack. This means that you can stay up to date without losing focus on the task at hand.


YouTrack now provides built-in tools for importing issues and articles from external sources. Use predefined scripts to import content from a wide range of popular issue tracking platforms or write your own.

This feature replaces the import scripts that rely on our Python client library, which will soon be deprecated.

Custom Attributes for User Profiles

You now have the ability to supplement user profiles in Hub by storing additional data points in custom attributes. Use this feature to sync data with an external directory service and personalize custom integrations.

These attributes are also accessible through workflows. This means that you can use the values that are stored in user profiles to build and enhance your business processes.

Nested GroupsYouTrack now lets you nest a group under another group. A nested group inherits all of the roles that are granted to the group that it is nested under.
Developer Portal for YouTrack and Hub

We've created a dedicated documentation space that is tailored specifically for people who build apps that integrate with YouTrack and Hub. These instructions show you how to authenticate your client applications, use the REST API, build custom widgets, and much more.

Smart Links in String-type FieldsWhen you enter a web address into a field that stores a string, YouTrack automatically recognizes the that the value is a URL and adds a special icon to the field. Click the icon to open the target link in a new browser tab.

Updates and Enhancements

Time Tracking in YouTrack LiteUsers who prefer to work with the lite version of our issue-tracking interface can now view and update spent time in the activity stream without having to switch back to the classic UI.
Import for Historical VCS Changes

A new option lets you import references to issues in historical commits from an integrated version control system. This feature helps software development teams transition to YouTrack without losing contextual references to their codebase.

This feature is currently available for integrations with GitHub, GitLab, and Bitbucket Cloud.

New Search Query Parameters

We've extended our search query language to help you find issues that were difficult to discover.

  • The aggregate keyword helps you find issues that are connected at any point along a linked hierarchical chain. For details, see aggregate.

  • The underestimated attribute detects conditions where the original estimations were lower than the amount of effort required to resolve the issue. For details, see has.

Multi-domain Support for Google AuthenticationThe authentication module for Google lets you restrict access to accounts from multiple domains instead of one. This feature lets you allow self-registration for Google users you know and trust while blocking those you don't.
Last modified: 12 April 2021