YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help

Agile Board Templates

When you create an agile board, you need to select a board template. Each template is pre-configured to help you set up the board with a minimum amount of effort.

Agile templates

The templates themselves are read-only. You cannot edit the default configuration. The ability to create your own templates is not currently supported in YouTrack.

No matter which template you choose, you define the following settings before the board is created. You can edit these settings at any time on the General tab of the Board Settings panel.

NameThe name that is assigned to the agile board. If the name is not unique in YouTrack, this field is highlighted.
ProjectsThe list of projects from which you can add issues to the board.
Can view and use the boardThe group of users who can access the board and update issues.
Can edit board settingsThe group of users who can access and update board settings.

The search query that is used to filter issues in the backlog.

  • If you use an existing search query, you select it in the Savedd Search drop-down list.

  • If you create a new search, you enter the Saved Search Name and Query in the corresponding input fields.

For an introduction to agile board templates in YouTrack, watch this demo:

Scrum Board

The Scrum board template uses the following default settings:

Board behaviorManually assign issues
Columns and SwimlanesColumnsare identified by State
Values for Columns

Open, In Progress, Fixed, Verified

If these values are not present in the State field for all of the projects that are managed on the board, they are not added automatically.

WIP SettingsNo — the number of tasks that are allowed in each column are not limited.
Swimlanesare identified by Issues from field Type
Values for SwimlanesFeature
CardEstimation Field

If the projects of the board have a field with the following parameters, then it is set as the board estimation field:

  1. Field type is period, integer, or float

  2. Field name starts with "Estimation"

If such a field is not found, this value is not set.

Default Value for TypeTask
Color SchemeThe color scheme for the cards is defined by the Priority field.
Issue FilterAll cards
Burndown calculated by

The value is set based on the time tracking settings for projects on the board:

  • Issue count, if no estimation field is set for the board in the Cards settings.

  • Estimation, if the estimation field is set, but time tracking is not enabled in all of the projects on the board.

  • Work items, if the estimation field is set and time tracking is enabled in all of the projects on the board.

Kanban Board

The Kanban board template uses the following default settings:

Board behaviorManually assign issues
Columns and SwimlanesColumnsare identified by State
Values for Columns

Open, In Progress, Fixed, Verified

If these values are not present in the State field for all of the projects that are managed on the board, they are not added automatically.

WIP Settings

The number of cards that are allowed in each column is set as follows:

ColumnMin WIPMax WIP
In ProgressNo5
SwimlanesNo swimlanes
CardEstimation FieldNo estimation field
Color SchemeThe color scheme for the cards is defined by the Priority field.
ChartTypeCumulative flow
Issue FilterAll cards

Version-based Board

The Version-based board template was built to support backward compatibility for agile boards in versions earlier than YouTrack 7.0. This type of board supports strict synchronization between sprints and the values that are stored in the Fix versions field. This template uses the following default settings:

Board behavior

Link sprints to values for custom field

If the projects on the board have a field with the following parameters, it is set automatically as the linked field:

  1. Field name Fix versions

  2. Field type is version

If such a field is not found, you encounter an error.

With sprints linked to a custom field, you can use the Query setting to filter the cards that are visible on the board.

Default values for the remaining settings are undefined.

Custom Board

With the Custom board template, all of the settings are assigned default values. You can freely configure each setting on the board as you desire.

Personal Board

The Personal Board is pre-configured to generate a board that shows only issues that are assigned to the current user, with sprints disabled by default. If you create a personal board with these settings and share it with your project team, each member of the team can use the board to manage their own issues.

This template includes a smart configuration that detects and adds projects automatically.

  • If you are a member of the project team for five or fewer projects, all of these projects are added to the Projects field automatically.

  • If you are a member of more than fie project teams, a link below the Projects field lets you add all of these projects to the board at once.

You can add and remove projects directly in the input field.

This template uses the following default settings:

Board behavior

Filter cards to match a query

The Assignee: me query is used to filter the cards on the board.

Columns and SwimlanesColumnsare identified by State
Values for Columns

Open, In Progress, Fixed, Verified

If these values are not present in the State field for all of the projects that are managed on the board, they are not added automatically.

WIP SettingsNo — the number of tasks that are allowed in each column are not limited.
SwimlanesNo swimlanes
CardEstimation FieldNo estimation field
Color SchemeThe color scheme for the cards is defined by the Priority field.
ChartTypeCumulative flow
Issue FilterAll cards
Last modified: 28 March 2021