YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help

Proxy Configuration

If you use a proxy server to protect the clients in your internal network, you may need to configure YouTrack to make HTTP connections with other applications through the proxy server. The following integrations send and receive information over HTTP and must be routed through your proxy server:

You may also need to set up communication through the proxy server when you use an authentication module that connects to a third party service.

The mailbox integration and import from Jira are not blocked by the proxy server.

Use the following system properties to let YouTrack connect through a proxy server:

http.proxyHostThe host name of your proxy server.
http.proxyPortThe port number that the proxy server listens to.
https.proxyHostThe host name of your secure proxy server.
https.proxyPortThe port number that the secure proxy server listens to.
http.nonProxyHostsA list of hosts that YouTrack accesses directly, bypassing the proxy server.
  • Delimit multiple hosts with a vertical bar.

  • Use the asterisk as a wildcard character to specify a pattern.

The list of non-proxy hosts can be used with both HTTP and HTTPS protocols. If this property is not set, all traffic is routed through the proxy server.

To learn how to set these properties in YouTrack, see Configure JVM Options


If you are using a proxy server and experience problems with YouTrack, see if any of the following conditions apply.

ConditionYou are unable to connect YouTrack to an external service. For example:
  • You try to set up a VCS integration and get a bad_request error.

  • You try to set up an authentication module and get the exception: Authentication failed. Connection refused.

The external service is unavailable.Verify that the external service is running.
The connection is blocked by a firewall.Open the ports in the firewall that are used by YouTrack and the connected service.
The connection to the external service is blocked by the proxy server.Set the system properties for your server that let YouTrack connect to other services through the proxy server. Use these properties to specify the hostname and port number of your proxy server.
You are trying to connect over the wrong port.Check the system properties for your YouTrack server and verify that you have set the port parameter correctly.
Last modified: 08 March 2021