YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help

Configuration Parameters

The following list includes all of the YouTrack-specific Java start parameters.

To learn how to apply these parameters when you start YouTrack, see Configure JVM Options.

General Parameters

You can set the following parameters for any YouTrack installation.

ParameterData TypeDefault ValueDescription
jetbrains.youtrack.admin.restoreBooleanfalseRestores the password for the root user account to the default value root. addressyoutrack-feedback@jetbrains.comSpecifies the email address that is used as the mailto address for the Contact support link on the error screen.
jetbrains.youtrack.disableCheckForUpdateBooleanfalseEnables and disables checking for software updates on startup. When set to true, checking for software updates is disabled.
jetbrains.dnq.textIndex.minPrefixQueryLengthinteger3Sets the minimum length of a prefix query string to a set number of characters. If prefix queries and wildcard strings do not return all matching word forms in a search query, set this value to 2. Setting this system property affects the performance of your YouTrack server. The lower the value, the slower the performance of your server.
jetbrains.youtrack.mailLimitinteger0Sets a daily limit for the number of email messages that are sent with the issue.sendMail() method in workflows. When set to 0, there is no limit. The default value for YouTrack InCloud instances is 100.

Sets the amount of time YouTrack waits to compile changes that are applied to an issue as a digest before sending an email notification, in milliseconds.

  • Reducing this value increases the rate at which YouTrack analyzes notifications and can have a negative impact on general server performance.

  • Increasing this value from the default (one minute) can reduce the overall number of notification emails that are sent by YouTrack.

jetbrains.youtrack.default.pagestring/dashboardSets the default start page for your YouTrack server. Enter a relative path to your base URL with a leading slash.
jetbrains.youtrack.webHooksBaseUrlstringemptySets an alternative base URL for your YouTrack server when sending requests to create webhooks in external services.

Maximum request buffer size. If you see either of the following warnings/errors in YouTrack logs, increase the value for this parameter

  • URI is too large >102400
  • Request header too large

Maximum response buffer size. If you see the following warning/error in the YouTrack logs, increase the value for this parameter:

  • Response header too large
jetbrains.youtrack.licenseNamestringemptySets the name of your YouTrack license to the name of your YouTrack Standalone license.
jetbrains.youtrack.licenseKeystringemptySet the license key of the YouTrack license to your license key for YouTrack Standalone.

Authentication Throttling Parameters

The following JVM options let you enable or disable throttling in YouTrack.

ParameterData TypeDescription
jetbrains.hub.auth.login.throttling.enabledBooleanSets the status of the throttling feature for the Hub authentication module. When true, authentication throttling is enabled.
Last modified: 15 April 2021