YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help

Export Issue Data

YouTrack lets you export data for a list of issues.

The following options are available:

Export in XSLXExports issue data in Microsoft Excel format (.xlsx). Exports in Excel format preserve data types for values in custom fields and other issue attributes.
Export in CSVExports issue data to a CSV file (.csv). Data exported in CSV format doesn't preserve the data types for the values that are stored in custom fields.

These options are available from the Export issue data button in the toolbar on the Issues list.

Export data Issues list

Use these options to upload issues to another application or use third-party software to compile custom reports.

The maximum number of issues that you can export is determined by the Max Issues to Export setting on the Global Settings page. The default value is 500. If the number of issues that you want to export exceeds the global limit, ask an administrator to increase this value. For more information, see System.

When you select an export option, the list of issues is filtered to match the current search query and context. The export file contains the following details for each issue:

Issue IDThe ID that is assigned to the issue in the project.
ProjectThe project that the issue belongs to.
TagsA list of tags that are attached to the issue.
SummaryThe issue summary.
ReporterThe full name of the user who reported the issue.
CreatedThe date and time the issue was created.
UpdatedThe date and time when the issue was last updated.
ResolvedThe date and time when the issue was resolved.
Custom FieldsThe value that is set for each custom field in the issue.
DescriptionThe issue description.
VotesThe current number of votes for the issue.
Last modified: 21 April 2021