YouTrack Standalone 2021.2 Help

Uninstall YouTrack JAR

To uninstall YouTrack service from your system, you need to remove application binaries and application data.

To uninstall YouTrack JAR

  1. Stop the currently running service.

  2. Remove the application binaries: ${user.home}/.youtrack/app folder.

  3. To remove the application data, delete the following folders if they are not used by a new YouTrack instance:

    • The data directory. By default, the path to the directory is ${user.home}/teamsysdata.

    • The temp directory. By default, the path to the directory is ${user.home}/.youtrack/temp.

    • The logs directory. By default, the path to the directory is ${user.home}/.youtrack/logs.

Last modified: 08 March 2021