YouTrack Server 2022.1 Help

Audit Events

Every event in YouTrack — creating, deleting, updating a user account, project, service and so on — is logged and stored.

To review updates to your YouTrack instance, open the Administration menu and select Server Settings > Audit Events. The target links provide access to the entities that are managed in Hub.

Audit events

You can also download information about any event as a JSON file for further investigation. To do so, select one or several events in the list and click the Download as .json button.

This operation downloads the 1000 most recent events. If the JSON download doesn't include all of the information you're looking for:

  • Filter the list of audit events to exclude activity that isn't relevant to your investigation.

  • Retrieve events in excess of the 1000 maximum using the Hub REST API.

Last modified: 06 July 2022