YouTrack Server 2022.3 Help

JAR Installation

The YouTrack JAR distribution is available for download on the JetBrains website.

YouTrack JAR has the package structure similar to ZIP and MSI distributions, and also incorporates the web-based Configuration Wizard.

This is a cross-platform distribution. You can use YouTrack JAR to install and run YouTrack on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

The procedure for installing YouTrack with this distribution is similar for all operating systems.

To install YouTrack Server with a JAR distribution:

  1. Download the JAR distribution from the JetBrains website.

  2. Upload the JAR distribution to your server.

  3. Open a command-line interface on the server and run the application. For detailed instructions, see Run YouTrack JAR.

  4. Configure the application in the web-based Configuration Wizard. For details, see Configure the JAR Installation.

Installation Options

A YouTrack JAR distribution can be set up in a variety of server environments. The following topics provide specific instructions for installing and running the JAR distribution different operating systems:

Run YouTrack JAR

Run YouTrack Server with the following command:

java -jar youtrack-<version>.jar [JVM options] [host:<port>][/contextPath]

The following options and variables are set by default, and you do not need to set them explicitly in the command line:

-Xmx1024m, -XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=350m, -ea, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError, -XX:HeapDumpPath=..\logs, -XX:ErrorFile=..\logs\hs_err_pid%p.log, -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8, -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormContentSize=5000000, -Dorg.eclipse.jetty.server.Request.maxFormKeys=10000, -Djetbrains.http.request.header.buffer.size=50000, -Djetbrains.http.response.header.buffer.size=50000,

By default, you do not need to specify explicitly any options or parameters in the command line. However, you may set values for the following variables in the command:



JVM options

The JVM options that are set when the YouTrack instance is started. Each JVM option must be prefixed with either --J (ad-hoc option) or -J (persistent option). For example, --J-Xmx2g specified in the command means that on this particular start of the service, the allocated memory will be increased to 2Gb. On the next start, if you do not provide this option, the size of allocated memory will be reset to the value from persistent configuration file.


The listen address of your YouTrack server. The default value is


The HTTP port number of your YouTrack server.


The context path of your YouTrack instance. A context path is a prefix on the path portion of a URL. This path routes requests to the proper webapp when more than one webapp is hosted on the same server. By default, YouTrack service is deployed on the root ('/') context.

When you set the contextPath, you can run YouTrack with the context other than the default path. Here are a few command examples with various URI configurations for different YouTrack servers:

java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar --J-Xmx2g --J-XX:MaxMetaspaceSize=450M 8080 java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar --no-browser 8080/youtrack java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar

For a complete list of YouTrack-specific JVM options, see Configuration Parameters.

Configure the JAR Installation

When you start YouTrack, the application opens in a browser. If you do not have a web browser installed on the host machine or do not want the browser to pop up, use the --no-browser flag right after the jar file name in the command:

java -jar youtrack-2022.1.12345.jar --no-browser 8080

If you do not have a web browser installed on the host machine, you must open the wizard in a web browser on another workstation. The wizard URL is printed in the console output:

JetBrains YouTrack <version> will be available on [<YouTrack Base URL>/bundle/starting] after start

To configure the JAR installation:

  1. In the Configuration Wizard, click Set up.

    YT Install: Configuration wizard
  2. On the Confirm Settings page, confirm or change the basic system settings.

    YT Install: Basic server settings

    Here you can also enable the built-in TLS to secure the network connection for the server. For detailed instructions, see Enable HTTPS during Installation.




    Allows to enable or disable the built-in TLS and configure the secure the network connection to your server. If you enable HTTPS, the TLS specific settings are displayed.

    Install: HTTPS basic settings

    See the TLS Settings page for details.

    Base URL

    The URL where end users access YouTrack Server.

    Application Listen Port

    The port your YouTrack Server server listens to after installation.


    The default language that is shown in the user interface.

  3. Expand the Advanced Settings section to confirm or change the locations where YouTrack Server stores product data.



    Data Directory Location

    The directory where YouTrack Server stores content data.

    Backup Location

    The directory where YouTrack Server stores backups of the database.

    Logs Location

    The directory where YouTrack Server stores log files.

    Temp Location

    The directory where YouTrack Server stores product-specific temporary files.

    To change the location for any of these file types, click the Change button and select a new location.

  4. To share usage statistics with JetBrains, keep the Send usage statistics anonymously option enabled. This feature helps JetBrains track usage statistics to make YouTrack better. We never share collected data with any third party.

  5. When done, click Next.

  6. On the Select Hub Service page, select whether you want to use a built-in or external Hub service.

    Zip install hub settings

    Configure the following settings based on the type of service you select:



    Built-in Hub

    • Enter and confirm the password for the default system administrator account admin. To assign a different username to the administrator account, edit the Create Admin Username setting.

    • Deselect the Enable login as guest option to ban the guest user account.

    The built-in Hub service is configured and started automatically.

    External Hub

    Enter the Base URL of your external Hub installation and verify it.

  7. When done, click Next.

  8. On the Confirm License page, verify the license name and key. Expand the License Limitations section to verify any limitations that apply to your current plan.

    Zip install license
  9. When done, click Finish.

    • The configuration is applied to your YouTrack Server server.

    Do not close the page in the browser until the setup is complete. When the YouTrack Server server is ready, you are logged in to YouTrack as a guest. If you disabled login as guest, the login page opens.

    That's it. Your YouTrack Server instance is installed and ready for use.

Once your YouTrack service is up and running, you may want to set up projects and access rights, import issues from another tracker, or fine-tune the server environment. For more information, check the topics in the See Also section below.

Last modified: 21 April 2023