YouTrack Server 2022.3 Help

Working with Issues in Slack

The YouTrack app for Slack links YouTrack with your Slack workspace, so you can get the most out of both applications. When the integration is active, you can divert your YouTrack notifications from email to Slack and view all of your YouTrack updates as direct messages.

To learn how to activate this feature in YouTrack, see Slack Integration.

Authorize the YouTrack App

Before you can work with YouTrack issues and in Slack, you need to log in to the app with your YouTrack account.

To authorize the YouTrack app:

  1. Open your Slack workspace.

  2. Click the Browse apps button in the Apps menu.

    • The Browse Apps window opens.

    Youtrack app browse apps
  3. In the In your workspace section of the page, select YouTrack.

    • The YouTrack app is added to the list of apps in your workspace.

  4. From the Apps menu, select YouTrack.

  5. In the message input box, enter the command /youtrack login.

    • The YouTrack app responds with instructions to authorize your YouTrack.

  6. Click the link in the message to request authorization.

    • If you're already logged in to the YouTrack instance that is linked to your workspace, YouTrack authorizes the app.

    • If you're not logged in, the Log in to YouTrack Slack Integration page opens in a new tab. Enter your username/email address and password, then click the Log in button.

When your account is authorized, the welcome page for the YouTrack app opens in a new browser tab. You can close the tab and start working with the app in Slack.

Enable Notifications in Slack

One of the core features of the YouTrack app is the ability to receive YouTrack notifications in Slack. With notifications enabled, all the messages that are generated and sent by YouTrack are sent to you as direct messages from the app.

To enable notifications, enter the slash command:

/youtrack enable notifications

The app replies with a confirmation message.

Youtrack app enable notifications

In this message, you can click the Disable in YouTrack button to disable email and Jabber notifications in your YouTrack profile. This diverts all messages that are sent by YouTrack to your Slack workspace.

Mute YouTrack Notifications

If you ever want a little break, you can mute notifications for half an hour, one day, a week, or even longer. Just enter the slash command:

/youtrack mute [period]

Use the following syntax to specify the period value:

  • Specify minutes with an integer. For example, /youtrack mute 15 mutes notifications for 15 minutes.

  • For longer periods, the full format is 1w2d3h4m.

When muted, any notification that would be sent to your account is ignored. You’ll only start to get notifications after the specified period or by entering the slash command:

/youtrack unmute

Create Issue Drafts

The YouTrack app supports a custom action that lets you create an issue draft in YouTrack. The selected message is copied to the description field, so all you need to do is pick a project, enter a summary, set the values for fields, and report the issue.

To create an issue draft:

  1. Move the pointer over the message that you want to copy to an issue.

  2. Click the More actions button in the message toolbar.

  3. Select Create issue draft.

    Youtrack app create issue draft

    If this action is not visible in the list, select More message actions, then locate it in the Use an action dialog.

    • The app generates the issue draft in YouTrack and posts a private message to the channel.

    Youtrack app issue draft created
  4. Click the link in the private message to open the draft in YouTrack and report the issue.

Slash Commands

For a list of available commands, enter /youtrack. The following commands are available when used with the /youtrack slash command:



enable previews

Enables content previews for issue links.

disable previews

Disables content preview for issue links.

enable notifications

Enables notifications as direct messages from the YouTrack app.

disable notifications

Disables notifications from the YouTrack app.

mute [period]

Mutes notifications from the YouTrack app for the specified period.

  • Specify minutes with an integer. For example, /youtrack mute 15 mutes notifications for 15 minutes.

  • For longer periods, the full format is 1w2d3h4m.


Unmutes notifications from the YouTrack app.


Initiates an authorization request from the app to your YouTrack account. The app replies to this command with an authorization link that you can use to log in.


Logs you out of the YouTrack app. When logged out, all the features that are supported by the app are unavailable.

Last modified: 06 February 2023