Agile Board Keyboard Shortcuts
These keyboard shortcuts vary by operating system. To make sure you see information that is relevant to your experience, select the tab that corresponds with the operating system you currently use.
Shortcut | Description |
Ctrl + Alt + J or any letter | Open the Apply Command dialog. Only recognized when you have focus on or have selected at least one card. |
Esc | Switch focus between the board and the search box. Deselect all selected cards. |
Spacebar | Toggle the selection of the current card. |
F2 | Open the current card in edit mode. |
F3 | Open the current card in view mode. |
F4 | Edit the estimation for the current card. |
Delete | Remove the selected cards from the board. If your board uses sprints, the cards are removed from the selected sprint. |
Left Arrow | Set focus to the card on the left. |
Right Arrow | Set focus to the card on the right. |
Up Arrow | Set focus to the card above the current card. |
Down Arrow | Set focus to the card below the current card. |
Home | Set focus to the first card that is visible on the board. |
End | Set focus to the last card that is visible on the board. |
Ctrl + Left Arrow | Move the current card to the left. |
Ctrl + Right Arrow | Move the current card to the right. |
Ctrl + Up Arrow | Move the current card up. |
Ctrl + Down Arrow | Move the current card down. |
Ctrl + M | Assign the current card to yourself. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + Insert | Add an issue as a new swimlane. Only recognized when the board uses issues to identify swimlanes. |
Ctrl + Shift + | | Expand or collapse all swimlanes. |
Ctrl + Alt + A | Open a dialog to locate and attach files. |
Alt + Insert | Add a card to the board. |
Ctrl + Alt + Insert | Create a subtask for the current card. |
Ctrl + Shift + Backspace | Toggle backlog visibility. |
Tab | Select the next custom field to the right. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Shift + Tab | Select the next custom field to the left. Only recognized with card sizes that show custom fields (M-XL). |
Ctrl + Shift + ! | Open your personal list of Saved Searches and Tags. Press Esc to close. |
Ctrl + Alt + K | Open the Apply Command dialog with the most recent command in the input field. |
Control + C | Copy the issue ID for the current card to the clipboard. |
Ctrl + C + C | Copy the issue URL for the current card to the clipboard. This copied URL excludes the issue summary, even when you have enabled the option to use Long-format URLs in your workspace settings. |
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C | Copy the issue ID and summary for the current card to the clipboard. |
Ctrl + Alt + D | Switch to TV mode. Press Esc to exit. |
Ctrl + Slash | View keyboard shortcuts. |
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