YouTrack Server

Search-optimized Languages

Last modified: 09 October 2024

You can manage the settings for search optimization and search indexing for your YouTrack installation. Search indexing helps YouTrack identify stem words and their related forms when searching for values stored in issues articles, and tickets.

To access these settings, open the Administration menu and select Server Settings > Global Settings. When the Global Settings page opens, select the Internationalization tab and scroll down to the Search-optimized Languages section of the page.

text index settings

These settings let you enable the stemming (morphological analysis) of the selected languages. When enabled, YouTrack analyzes and identifies stem words and related forms for all the text that is stored in any issue attribute, including custom fields. Search optimization is supported for the following languages:

Stemming of a language is the basis for the text search in YouTrack. When you enable the morphological analysis of a language, YouTrack finds not only the exact original word but also its word forms. For example, when you search for the word "board", YouTrack finds issues that contain the words "board" "boards", "boarding", and so on. Each time an issue is created or updated in YouTrack, the issue attributes that store text strings (the summary, description, and comments) are indexed in each language enabled on this page. For more information, see Text Search.

Search optimization is automatically enabled for the English language and the system language if it's not English. This means that stemming is enabled for all issue attributes that store strings of text in English and the system language. For more information about the system language, see System Language.

YouTrack provides additional support for other languages. This means that you can enable search optimization and optimize your search queries if you write your issues in a language other than the language displayed on the user interface. For example, the language setting for your YouTrack server is English, but you create issues in Danish.

The following controls are available on this page: