Anonymize Your Personal Data
In an effort to support the right to erasure or "right to be forgotten" as outlined in the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) for data subjects who reside in the European Union, YouTrack gives you the ability to anonymize your personal data. When you anonymize your user account, your personal data is sanitized in such a way that is no longer identifiable. The full name, email addresses, usernames, login details, profile change history, and IP addresses are replaced with random values.
External Hub AccountsThese instructions are only relevant for YouTrack Server installations that use a built-in Hub service. When YouTrack is connected to an external Hub, these settings are managed in your Hub account. To access your Hub account from YouTrack, click the Update personal information and manage logins link in your YouTrack profile.
To learn how to anonymize your personal data in Hub, please refer to the Hub documentation.
Requires permissions: Update Self
Click your avatar in the main navigation menu, then select the Profile link.
Click the Anonymize user button in the header.
Enter your username in the input field.
Click the Anonymize button.
Your personal data is replaced with random values.
Your anonymized profile is shown in a read-only state and cannot be changed.
You are no longer able to use this account to log in to YouTrack.
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