• Version: 2024.3.3
  • Build: 243.24978.46
  • 14 February 2025

Download HTTP Client CLI

In addition to the IDE plugin, the HTTP Client is also available as a CLI tool. It allows you to run HTTP requests from a terminal, without the IDE, or include HTTP request testing in your CI workflow. The HTTP Client CLI does not require you to have any product license.


Alternatively, get the latest ZIP with cURL command:

curl -f -L -o ijhttp.zip "https://jb.gg/ijhttp/latest"

The ZIP distribution requires JDK 17 or newer to be installed.

In addition to the IDE plugin, the HTTP Client is also available as a CLI tool. It allows you to run HTTP requests from a terminal, without the IDE, or include HTTP request testing in your CI workflow. The HTTP Client CLI does not require you to have any product license.

Docker Hub

You can get the HTTP Client CLI as a Docker image and run a container with the .http file:

docker run --rm -i -t -v $PWD:/workdir jetbrains/intellij-http-client run.http
2024.3.3 version

This command creates a bind mount between your current working directory on the host machine ($PWD) and the /workdir directory in the container.

Note that /workdir is required in this command: All .http files will be run inside this directory in the container.

Other versions

Build infoBuild highlights

Build info

major version

2024.2 build 242.21829.56

Released: August 21, 2024

No subscription required

Build highlights
  • Iterating through variable collection using JSONPath syntax
  • Methods for parsing XML and HTML documents in request responses
  • Packet and connection timeouts in requests
Full list of changes in CLI and HTTP client