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8th Light, Inc. - 8th Light® is a registered trademark of 8th Light, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Adobe Systems, Inc. - Adobe®, Adobe Flash®, Adobe Reader®, Adobe Photoshop® and their logos are registered trademarks of Adobe Systems Inc. in the US and other countries.
Airbnb, Inc. - Airbnb® is a registered trademark of Airbnb, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Apache Software Foundation - Apache® is a trademark of the Apache Software Foundation in the U.S. and other countries.
Apple, Inc. - macOS® is a registered trademark of Apple, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Atlassian Pty Ltd - Jira® is a registered trademark of Atlassian Pty Ltd in the US and other countries.


BASF SE - BASF® is a registered trademark of BASF SE societas europea (se) in the US and other countries.
Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. - Blizzard® is a registered trademark of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. in the US and other countries
Bluehole Studio Inc. - Bluehole® is a registered trademark of Bluehole, Inc. in the US and other countries.
BMW - BMW® is a registered trademark of Bayerische Motoren Werke Aktiengesellschaft Corporation in the US and other countries.
Booking.com - Booking.com® is a registered trademark of Booking.com B.V. Limited Liability Company Netherlands in the US and other countries


Chang Jie Tong Information Technology Co., Ltd. - ChanJet® is a registered trademark of ChanJet Technology Company Limited in the US and other countries.
Cisco Systems, Inc. - iOS® is a registered trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. in the US and other countries and is used under license.
Citygroup Inc. - Citibank® is a registered trademark of Citigroup Inc., in the US and other countries.
ComponentSource Ltd. - ComponentSource® is a registered trademark of ComponentSource Limited Corporation in the US and other countries.
Couchsurfing International Inc. - CouchSurfing® is a registered trademark of Couchsurfing International, Inc. in the US and other countries.


EMC Corporation - Documentum® is a registered trademark of EMC Corporation in the US and other countries.
EarthLink, LLC - EarthLink® is a registered trademark of EathLink, LLC in the US and other countries.
Eclipse Foundation, Inc. - Eclipse® is a registered trademark of Eclipse.org Foundation Inc., in the US and other countries.
Eleutian Technology Inc. - Eleutian® is a registered trademark of Eleutian Technology Inc., in the US and other countries.
Expedia, Inc. - Expedia® is a registered trademark of Expedia, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Facebook, Inc. - Facebook® and the Facebook logo are trademarks of Facebook Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.


GitHub, Inc. - GitHub® is a registered trademark of GitHub, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Google LLC - Android™, Android robot logo, YouTube® and YouTube logo are trademarks of Google LLC registered in the U.S. and other countries.
Groupon, Inc. - Groupon® is a registered trademark of Groupon, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Hewlett Packard Group LLC - HP® is a registered trademark of Hewlett Packard Group LLC in the US and other countries.


International Business Machines Corporation - IBM® is a registered trademark of International Business Machines Corporation in the US and other countries.
Ingram Industries Inc. - Ingram Micro® is a registered trademark of Ingram Industries Inc. in the US and other countries.


Koninklijke Philips N.V. - Philips® is a registered trademark of Koninklijke Philips N.V. in the US and other countries.


McLaren Engines, Inc. - McLaren® is a registered trademark of McLaren Engines, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Microsoft Corporation - Microsoft® Visual Studio® is a registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
MySQL AB Aktienbotag - MySQL® is a registered trademark of MySQL AB Aktienbotag in the US and other countries.


National Aeronautics and Space Program - NASA® is a registered trademark of National Aeronautics and Space Program in the US and other countries.
Nike, Inc. - Nike® is a registered trademark of Nike, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Oracle, Inс. - Oracle®, JVM® is a registered trademark of Oracle International Corporation in the US and other countries.
Oracle America, Inc. - Java®, JavaScript®, JDK® are registered trademarks of Oracle America, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Pinterest, Inc. - Pinterest® is a registered trademark of Pinterest, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Pivotal Software, Inc. - SPRING® is a trademark of Pivotal Software, Inc. in the U.S. and other countries.
Python Software Foundation - Python® is a registered trademark of Python Software Foundation and/or it affiliates.


Salesforce.com, Inc. - Salesforce® is a registered trademark of Salesforce.com, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. - Samsung® is a registered trademark of Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. in the US and other countries.
Siemens AG - Siemens® is a registered trademark of Siemens Aktiengesellschaft in the US and other countries.


Telefonaktienbolaget LM Ericsson Stockholder Company - Ericsson® is a registered trademark of Telefonaktienbolaget LM Ericsson Stockholder Company in the US and other countries.
Telefonica, S.A. - Telefonica O2® is a registered trademark of Telefonica, S.A. 사용되는 Anaconda Inc.의 등록상표입니다.
Tesla, Inc. - Tesla® is a registered trademark of Tesla, Inc. in the US and other countries.
Twitter, Inc. - Twitter® and Twitter logo are trademarks of Twitter Inc. registered in the U.S. and other countries.


Ubisoft, Inc. - Ubisoft® is a registered trademark of Ubisoft, Inc. in the US and other countries.


Walmart Inc. - Walmart® and Wal-Mart Stores, Inc.® are registered trademarks of Walmart Inc. in the United States and/or other countries.
Wikimedia Foundation, Inc. - Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.


Yahoo! Inc. - Yahoo!®, Flickr® are registered trademarks of Yahoo! Inc.