ReSharper 2024.3의 새로운 기능

ReSharper 2024.3 introduces comprehensive support for C# 13 features, including params collections, partial properties, a new lock type, and the field keyword. The update enhances code cleanup with improved performance and flexible formatting options and adds more precise naming conventions. Multiline To-do comments and tooltip colorization improve code readability and organization. C++ support has been bolstered with new features for Unreal Engine development, alongside improvements to performance and Clang interoperability.


30일 무료 평가 이용 가능

C# 지원

C# 13 updates

With its latest release, ReSharper introduces support for the latest features that come with C# 13, namely:

  • 새로운 params 컬렉션: params 키워드가 다양한 컬렉션 타입에서 작동하도록 확장되어 추가 대입 없이도 효율적인 메서드 시그니처 사용이 가능해졌습니다.
  • Partial properties: Support has been added for partial properties, enabling you to spread property accessor implementations across multiple files, increasing flexibility and organization in your codebase.
  • 새로운 lock 타입: 보다 효율적인 스레드 동기화를 위해 새로운 System.Threading.Lock 타입이 도입되어 기존 lock 구문보다 향상된 성능을 제공합니다.
  • 오버로드 해결 우선 순위: 메서드 오버로드 해결을 더 효과적으로 제어하고 개발자가 복잡한 시나리오에서 어떤 오버로드가 호출되는지 우선 순위를 지정할 수 있도록 하는 새로운 속성이 제공됩니다.
  • field 키워드: field 키워드에 미리보기 기능이 추가되었습니다. 이를 통해 자동 프로퍼티의 백킹 필드에 직접 액세스할 수 있어 프로퍼티 로직이 간소화됩니다.

Learn all about the support of C#13 features in ReSharper and Rider on our blog.

Code styles and cleanup

코드 정리

In ReSharper 2024.3, code cleanup has been re-engineered for more robust performance. It now leverages the same engine as scoped quick-fixes, ensuring thorough issue resolution and enhancing analyzer precision. Parallel preprocessing has also been added to optimize file handling. Furthermore, you can now select the code cleanup profile per file or skip cleanup on specific files.

코드 서식 지정

There are new formatting options to give you even more flexibility:

  • A new option to control wrapping around an equal = operator.
  • A new Indent ‘break’ from ‘case’ option.
  • A new Treat ‘case’ statements with ‘break’ as simple option.

Naming styles

We’ve added a couple of new options to adjust naming rules more precisely.

  • Local functions now come with two options: Local functions with ‘async’ and Task-returning local functions (not ‘async’).
  • Methods have been given a new Task-returning method (not ‘async’) option to support methods with an async suffix in the name that aren’t marked with an async modifier but return a Task-like type. This is helpful when you declare a method in an interface where you aren’t allowed to use an async modifier, but which will return a Task type in implementation.

Code comments

Multiline To-do comments support

ReSharper 2024.3 now supports multiline To-do comments, allowing indented text on subsequent lines to be treated as part of the same To-do item. 이 향상된 기능을 통해 코드베이스에서 관련된 메모와 작업을 더 쉽게 그룹화할 수 있습니다. You can now add context to your To-dos across multiple lines, improving readability and organization.

Additionally, we’ve updated the Peek To-do link (Ctrl+Shift+click) action that lets you look up an external issue associated with a To-do item inline. It now uses a modern web browser engine to give you a better rendering experience.

사용자 경험

Tooltip colorization

For this release, we reviewed almost all C# error, warning, and informal messages and introduced text colorization wherever possible.

Approximately 600 messages were updated with tooltips that offer a more intuitive reading experience, with the included code elements highlighted in the editor's familiar color scheme.

C++ 지원

ReSharper 2024.3에서는 C++ 지원이 여러 가지 개선되었습니다.

  • 대규모 솔루션의 성능 향상
  • The Move to Folder refactoring for C++ files.
  • 새로운 C++ 23, C23 및 GNU 언어 기능 지원
  • New code assistance features for Unreal Engine developers.
  • Clang 툴링과의 상호 운용성 향상

ReSharper C++ 2024.3의 새로운 기능 페이지에서 C++ 업데이트에 대해 자세히 알아보세요.


IL code for assembly manifest

The IL Viewer tool window now provides IL code for assembly manifest, including:

  • Assembly and module info such as name, custom attributes, etc.
  • Referenced assemblies and modules.
  • 포워드된 타입.
  • A list of files and resources.

This IL code is shown when the caret in the text editor is on an assembly or module attribute or somewhere inside an <AssemblyName>.cs file for external assemblies.

Support for primary constructors

When working with classes that declare a primary constructor, the decompiler will now display the constructor and its parameters correctly, giving you a complete view of how objects are instantiated directly from the decompiled code.


30일 무료 평가 이용 가능