The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey in 2018


The Go questions were only shown to the developers who chose Go as one of their three primary programming languages.

Which package managers do you use regularly, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

20% of developers use multiple versions of Go at the same time.
Only 26% of developers set up their GOPATH per project, while others have, single global GOPATH.

Which Go web frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Which Go Router do you use regularly, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

45% of developers use Go templates in their projects.

Go developers listen to Classical music more frequently than developers do in general.

Which testing frameworks do you use regularly, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Go developers are much more likely to host their service/apps/DBs on Google Cloud Platform (24% vs 10% of developers in general), and more likely to use Amazon Web Services (42% vs 30%).
Check out the Key Takeaways and DevOps pages for more details.

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