The State of Developer Ecosystem Survey in 2018


The Ruby questions were only shown to the developers who chose Ruby as one of their three primary programming languages.

Which version of Ruby do you use the most?
Ruby 2.522%Ruby 2.439%Ruby 2.323%Ruby 2.28%Ruby 2.12%Ruby 2.03%Ruby 1.82%Other1%

29% of developers do not plan to change their Ruby version.

Which Ruby version managers do you regularly use, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Which gem management tools do you regularly use, if any?
Bundler86%RVM gemsets16%Rbenv gemsets6%None9%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

47% of developers do not author any gems.

What editors / IDEs do you use the most?
RubyMine34%Vim14%Sublime Text11%Atom11%IntelliJ IDEA with Ruby plugin (or other JetBrains IDEs)10%Visual Studio Code8%Emacs8%Notepad++2%TextMate1%Other1%

Ruby devs live on macOS: 72% of them use it as a development environment, while only 44% of all devs do the same.

What web development tools and / or frameworks do you regularly use, if any?
Ruby on Rails86%Sinatra26%Rack16%Opal5%Hanami4%React.rb2%Other1%None7%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Which version of Rails do you use? (%)

Rails EdgeRails 5.1Rails 5.0Rails 4.2Rails 4.123817341Rails 4.0Rails 3.2Rails 3.1Rails 3.0Rails 2.3.x70001

This question was only answered by respondents who regularly use Ruby on Rails.
Please also note that version 5.2.0 is missing from the list as it was released after the Developer Ecosystem Survey 2018 was launched.

33% of Rails developers plan to migrate to Rails 5.x, and 13% to Rails Edge.

Which servers do you regularly use in production, if any?
Puma53%Unicorn31%Passenger (mod_rails)30%Thin7%FastCGI2%None16%

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.

Which unit-testing frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

Question with checkboxes. Sum of shares may be more than 100%.
This question was only answered by respondents who either write or use unit tests.

Thank you for your time!
We hope you found our report useful.