Number of Swift and Objective-C developers
Swift dominates. Almost two thirds of those who use both languages in their projects have most of their code base in Swift.
Which Apple platforms do you develop for?
Do you use Swift and Objective-C together in the same project?
This question was only answered by respondents who either write or use unit tests. This chart is showing only the responses of those who selected at least one framework.
Which unit-testing frameworks do you regularly use?
Which mock / matcher frameworks do you use?
58% of those who write unit tests don't use any mock / matcher frameworks, even though these frameworks can be quite handy.
This question was only answered by respondents who do UI testing.
Which UI testing frameworks do you regularly use?
Only one out of three Swift/Objective-C devs does UI testing.
Which dependency manager do you use?
Which database engine / framework combination do you use?
This question was only answered by respondents who use an external database viewer.
Which database viewer do you use the most?
Two in five Swift or Objective-C devs use an external database viewer. DB Browser is more popular (39%) among the Swift-only devs, while SQLite+ is more popular among Objective-C-only devs (36%)
This question was only answered by those who use Swift as their primary programming language.
Do you develop with Swift on Linux?
The percentage of developers who want to try Swift for Linux is the same as last year, as is the share of those who have already tried it. A quarter of Swift devs use Linux as one of their development environments.
This question was only answered by those who use Swift as their primary programming language.
Which frameworks do you use for server-side development with Swift?
Only one out of five Swift devs developed server-side projects with Swift, with most choosing Vapor to get the job done.