
Questions in this section were shown to every respondent who had indicated “DevOps Engineer / Infrastructure Developer” as one of their job roles, and to ⅓ of all others, chosen randomly.

To what degree are you personally involved in infrastructure development?

I’ve only heard about it
I’m involved to some extent
It’s one of my key responsibilities

One in six respondents is deeply involved in infrastructure development. Among those deeply involved, Go and shell scripting languages are very popular as primary languages (19% each).

What configuration management tools do you or your organization use?

26%22% 8% 7% 4% 3%43%AnsibleCustom solutionChefPuppetSaltOtherNone

This question was not shown to respondents who had only heard about infrastructure development.

Ansible’s share has increased, while custom solutions have become less popular.

What server templating tools do you or your organization regularly use?

60% 8% 4% 1% 2%36%DockerVagrantPackerCoreOS rktOtherNone

This question was not shown to respondents who had only heard about infrastructure development.

93% of those who use server templating tools use Docker. The shares of all other tools decreased over the last year.

What infrastructure provisioning tools do you or your organization use?

21%19% 7% 6% 1% 5%55%TerraformAWS CloudFormationAWS CDKOpenStack HeatTOSCA/CloudifyOtherNone

This question was not shown to respondents who had only heard about infrastructure development.

The share of those who use any provisioning tools increased by 10 percentage points over the last year. Terraform and AWS CloudFormation are still the leaders.

How do you use containers?

66%Run multiple applicationcontainers (e.g.microservices)
44%Run your application in onecontainer, and backingservices (e.g. database)
35%Run dockerized utilities

This question was not shown to respondents who do not use Docker.

What container orchestration services do you use in production, if any?

40%14%14% 7% 2% 1% 1% 3%40%Kubernetes (self-managed or fully managed)Amazon ECS / FargateDocker SwarmAmazon EKSMesos or DC / OSCoreOS TectonicHashicorp NomadOtherNone

This question was not shown to respondents who had only heard about infrastructure development.

Kubernetes became the ultimate leader this year, being used by ⅔ of developers who use any container orchestration in production. Docker Swarm increased its share slightly.

How do you run your containerized application during development?

Docker Compose

This question was not shown to respondents who used containers for running only dockerized utilities.

How do you deploy your Docker images to the docker repository, if you do?

44%34%25% 9% 9% 1%I deploy from CI / CDI use only the command lineI do not deployI deploy with custom / in-house toolsI use a configuration management tool (Chef, Puppet, Ansible, etc.)Other

This question was not shown to respondents who do not use Docker.

Most respondents deploy Docker images through the command line or by using CI/CD tools.


How do you use containers?

51%Cloud Service
49%Private Servers

With a small increase, cloud services overtook private servers in popularity this year.

How do you deploy to the cloud?

61%Use Continuous Integration/ Continuous Delivery
42%Run scripts on your localworkstation / VM
31%Use your cloud provider'sweb interface

This question was shown to respondents who use cloud services for hosting.

Which cloud services do you use?

62%30%25%14% 3% 2% 1% 1%18%Amazon Web ServicesGoogle Cloud PlatformMicrosoft AzureHerokuRedHat OpenShiftCloud FoundryIBM SoftLayerRackspaceOther

This question was shown to the respondents who use cloud services for hosting.

Having lost five percentage points, Amazon Web Services nonetheless remains the undisputed leader. This is the first year its share has dropped (since this annual survey has been run). GCP and Azure increased their shares slightly.

Thank you for your time!

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