
These questions were only shown to the developers who chose Kotlin as one of their three primary programming languages.

What do you target with Kotlin?

JVMAndroidNativeKotlin for JavaScriptJVM60%Android60%Native7%Kotlin for JavaScript6%

Most Kotlin developers still target Android or the JVM. Kotlin provides the ability to target JavaScript and perform native development, but relatively few developers target these platforms.

Kotlin is tremendously versatile. It can be used for mobile, web, server-side, desktop, and even embedded systems development. Thanks to its mechanisms for sharing code, you can easily create multiplatform libraries and applications that work on multiple platforms.

Learn more about multiplatform projects with Kotlin.

Which JDK versions do you target with Kotlin?

44% 5% 6%73% 3% 2% 4%JDK 11JDK 10JDK 9JDK 8JDK 7JDK 6I don't know

The share of JDK 11 has nearly doubled over the last year, but the majority of Kotlin developers still target JDK 8.

Which Android versions do you target with Kotlin?

82%74%66%58%44%17% 6% 8%9.0 Pie8.0 – 8.1 Oreo7.0 – 7.1.2 Nougat6.0 – 6.0.1 Marshmallow5.0 – 5.1.1 Lollipop4.4 – 4.4.4 KitKat4.1 – 4.3.1 Jelly BeanOther

The share of old Android versions is declining slowly, with the exceptions of Kitkat and Jelly Bean. These two are finally outdated, and their shares have more than halved over the past year.

What types of apps do you develop in Kotlin?

57%47%28%20%10% 6% 6% 6% 4% 3% 2% 2%MobileWeb Back-endLibrary or FrameworkToolingDesktopData Analysis / Business IntelligenceWeb Front-endGame DevelopmentIoTMachine LearningEmbeddedOther

The most popular app types are similar to last year. There is, however, one change that is more significant — the increase in the use of Kotlin for Data Analysis. Check out some tutorials on data wrangling with Kotlin.

The Top 15 Kotlin libraries

52%22%21%18% 8% 6% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1%21%11%kotlinx.coroutineskotlinx.serializationKtorkotlin.testKodein DIExposedkotlinx.htmlkotlin-wrappers/*kotlin-wrappers/kotlin-reactkotlinx.domkotlin-wrappers/kotlin-cssOtherNoneI don’t know

We’ve combined the results of the questions “What JetBrains Kotlin libraries and frameworks do you currently use?” and “What other Kotlin libraries and frameworks do you currently use?”

of Kotlin developers use coroutines.

How long have you been using Kotlin?

20%24%27%25% 3%Less than 6 monthsFrom 6 months to less than 1 yearFrom 1 year to less than 2 yearsFrom 2 year to less than 4 yearsMore than 4 years

For what purposes do you use Kotlin?

For workFor personal/sideprojectsI occasionally playaround with Kotlin(Hobby)OtherFor work75%For personal/side projects 68%I occasionally play around with Kotlin (Hobby)31%Other1%

For what types of projects do you primarily use Kotlin?

New projects
Old projects (migration)

More than a third of Kotlin developers are adding Kotlin code to the existing code base. The high share of mixed projects is a result of the seamless interop between Kotlin and Java.

What other programming languages have Kotlin developers used in the last 12 months?

Top 15

90%59%52%46%44%39%27%22%21%20%18%17%16%14%13%JavaJavaScriptSQLPythonHTML / CSSShell scripting languagesTypeScriptGoC++DartCC#SwiftPHPGroovy

Almost all Kotlin developers (92%) used Java before they started using Kotlin. Most of them (90% of all Kotlin users) still continue to use Java.

What is your main IDE for Kotlin development?

IntelliJ IDEA UltimateAndroid StudioIntelliJ IDEACommunityOtherIntelliJ IDEA Ultimate42%Android Studio39%IntelliJ IDEA Community18%Other1%

Thank you for your time!

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