
These questions were only shown to the developers who chose Python as one of their three primary programming languages.

Which version of Python do you use the most?

Python 3
Python 2

In 2017, 44% of the developers we surveyed used Python 2. Now that number is 7%, which is actually higher than we expected given that Python 2 is no longer maintained.

The most common uses for Python 2 are system administration and infrastructure configuration (DevOps), with a combined share totaling 40%, and Web development with 35% share.

What do you use Python for?

49%43%41%38%30%26%22%22%16%15%Web developmentData analysisMachine learningProgramming of web parsers / scrapers / crawlersSystem administration / Writing automation scripts / Infrastructure configuration (DevOps)Software testing / writing automated testsEducational purposesSoftware prototypingDesktop developmentNetwork programming
All results

What web frameworks or libraries do you use in addition to Python?

49%46% 4% 4% 2% 2%DjangoFlaskweb2pyTornadoBottlePyramid
All results

Which of the following frameworks or libraries do you use in addition to Python?

All results

What data science frameworks do you use in addition to Python?

62%51%43%37%33%32%23%23%14%11% 4% 2% 1% 2%25%NumPyPandasMatplotlibTensorFlowSciPySciKit-LearnPyTorchKerasSeabornNLTKGensimTheanoMXNetOtherNone

Python developers are more likely to be involved in academic research (24%) than developers are on average (14%).

What other technologies do you use in addition to Python?


Python Developers tend to use Linux as their development environment more than developers do in general. Of the Python developers we surveyed, 64% prefer Linux, in contrast to roughly 50% of the total survey group. This makes Linux the most popular OS among Python developers, whereas Windows is the leading OS overall.

Which IDE or editor do you mostly use for Python development?

34%21%20% 6% 4% 4% 3%PyCharm Professional EditionVisual Studio CodePyCharm Community EditionJupyter NotebookIntelliJ IDEAVimSublime Text
All results

To learn more about the state of the Python Developer Ecosystem, check out our official Python Developers Survey.

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