The Python questions were only shown to the developers who chose Python as one of their three primary programming languages.


Which version of Python do you use the most?

Python 3
Python 2

Only 3% of Python developers are still using Python 2 in 2021! Five years ago its share was 47%.

What do you use Python for?

49%45%40%39%34%31%25%24%18%16% 6% 6% 4% 3% 4%Web developmentData analysisMachine learningProgramming of web parsers / scrapers / crawlersSystem administration / Writing automation scripts / Infrastructure configurationSoftware testing / writing automated testsSoftware prototypingEducational purposesDesktop developmentNetwork programmingComputer graphicsEmbedded developmentGame developmentMobile developmentOther

Over the last 5 years of the JetBrains Developer Ecosystem surveys, how developers use Python hasn’t changed. Web development and data analysis are still the most common ways of using the language, with a share of around 50% each.

Only 4% of Python users develop games, and 77% of them do so only as a hobby.

75% of the survey respondents involved in academic research use the Python programming language, making it the most popular language for this purpose.

What web frameworks / libraries do you use in addition to Python?

46%45%14% 4% 4% 2% 2% 2% 1% 4%28%FlaskDjangoFastAPIweb2pyTornadoPyramidBottleCherryPyFalconOtherNone

What data science frameworks do you use in addition to Python?

All results

Python and JavaScript are the languages that are learned the most – almost 30% of survey respondents have been learning them over the past 12 months.

We asked which MOOC platforms people use to study Python, if any. The top 3 platforms mentioned were Udemy, Coursera, and edX. Interestingly, when compared with other languages, Udemy is usually less popular, while Coursera and edX are used significantly more often.

At JetBrains we have launched our own educational platform – JetBrains Academy. And you can use our special PyCharm Edu IDE to learn and teach Python.

Which of the following frameworks / libraries do you use in addition to Python?

43%26%19%17%16%14%10% 9% 7% 3% 3% 3% 3% 3%26%RequestsPillowScrapyTkinterAsyncioPyQTPygameaiohttpSixKivyTwistedwxPythonPyGTKOtherNone

Half of all the developers who took part in this survey studied Python during their education.

What other technologies do you use in addition to Python?


The proportion of Python developers who work for very large companies with more than 5,000 employees is higher (20%) than it is among other developers (15%). But for all other sizes of company, the proportion is generally roughly the same as it is for other developers.

Which IDE / editor do you mostly use for Python development?

33%21%21% 6% 3% 3% 2% 1%PyCharm Professional EditionVisual Studio CodePyCharm Community EditionJupyter NotebookVimIntelliJ IDEASublime TextAtom
All results

Despite all the measures we've taken to secure a representative pool of respondents, the results may be slightly shifted towards users of JetBrains products, as they are more likely to take the survey.

Today Python is the go-to language for data science. The majority of developers involved in data analysis (54%), data engineering (54%), and machine learning (71%) use Python.

We at JetBrains have developed some powerful new tools for data science.

Datalore – A powerful environment for Jupyter Notebooks. It is available for everyone online and as an on-premises installation for companies.

DataSpell – A new IDE by JetBrains for data science. A productive developer environment for data science professionals who are actively involved in exploratory data analysis and prototyping machine learning models.

To learn more about the state of the Python Developer Ecosystem, check out the official Python Developers Survey, created in partnership with the Python Software Foundation.

Thank you for your time!

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