These questions were only shown to the developers who chose Ruby as one of their three primary programming languages.


Shares of Ruby as primary programming language by country

9%3%3%3%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%2%JapanCanadaBelarusUnited StatesLatin AmericaRussian FederationOther Southeast Asia and OceaniaUnited KingdomBrazilChinaEastern Europe, Balkans, and CaucasusArgentina
All results

Coding experience

Other languages
6%/9% 9%/19%21%/27%24%/19%17%/11%21%/11% 1%/5%Less than 1 year1–2 years3–5 years6–10 years11–16 years16+ yearsNo professional coding experience

Which versions of Ruby do you use the most?

19%/ -51%/15%33%/61%20%/31%11%/14% 8%/8% 3%/4% 1%/1% 1%/1% 2%/1% 1%/3% 2%/ -Ruby 3.0Ruby 2.7Ruby 2.6Ruby 2.5Ruby 2.4Ruby 2.3Ruby 2.2Ruby 2.0Ruby 1.9Ruby 1.8OtherI'm not sure

Interesting fact

Ruby 2.7 is the most common version, used by 51% of respondents. Ruby 3.0 usage is also rapidly growing – 19% have already adopted it.

Which tools do you use to manage different versions of Ruby?


Which gem management tools do you regularly use?

RVM gemsets
Rbenv gemsets

How many gems have you authored, if any?

More than 30

What web development tools and / or frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

86%20%17% 4% 2% 1% 1% 1% 8%Ruby on RailsSinatraRackGrapePadrinoHanamiRodaOtherNone

Of the 7 most popular Ruby frameworks, Ruby on Rails is the clear leader, used by 86% of Ruby developers.

Which version of Rails do you use?

2%52%20% 4% 3% 9% 2% 3% 4% 1%Rails EdgeRails 6.0Rails 5.2Rails 5.1Rails 5.0Rails 4.2Rails 4.1Rails 2.3.xI'm not sureOther

Which servers do you regularly use in production?

60%21%19% 5% 2%17%PumaPassengerUnicornThinOtherNone

What editor / IDE do you mostly use for Ruby development?

48%28% 6% 6% 5% 3% 1% 1% 1%RubyMineVisual Studio CodeIntelliJ IDEA with Ruby pluginVimSublime TextAtomEmacsNotepad++Other

Despite all the measures we've taken to secure a representative pool of respondents, the results may be slightly shifted towards users of JetBrains products, as they are more likely to take the survey.

Which unit-testing frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

77%19%10%10% 6% 1% 8% 3%RSpecMiniTestTest::UnitCucumberShouldaOtherI don’t write unit tests for RubyI write unit tests, but don’t use any frameworks

Do you use any frontend JavaScript framework along with Ruby on Rails or another server-side Ruby framework?

43%26% 8% 4% 2% 2% 1%32%ReactVue.jsOtherAngularAngularJSBackboneEmberI don’t use such frameworks with Ruby on Rails.

What types of software do you develop with Ruby?

64%22%13%11%10% 8% 7% 4% 4% 3% 2% 2% 1% 1%14% 3%WebsitesUtilitiesSystem SoftwareDatabase / Data StorageIT InfrastructureLibraries / FrameworksFinanceProgramming ToolsEntertainmentBusiness Intelligence / Data Science / Machine LearningGamesSecurityHome AutomationAugmented Reality / Virtual RealityOtherNone

Ruby is most commonly used to develop websites (64%) and utilities (22%).

How many people are in your project team?

Other languages
7%/13%60%/55%20%/18% 6%/8% 6%/4% 1%/3%I work on my projects independently2–7 people8–12 people13–20 people21–40 peopleMore than 40 people

Ruby developers work on their projects independently less often than other developers.

Thank you for your time!

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