

The C# questions were only shown to the developers who chose C# as one of their three primary programming languages.


Which versions of C# do you regularly use?

Stefan Pölz

Clean C# Coder – Test-driven .NET Developer

My heart fills with joy when I see that the majority of participants are keeping up with the current STS and LTS versions of C# to harness the syntactic sugar and semantic power of the language.

Which programming languages are you using in your .NET project?

Stefan Pölz

Clean C# Coder – Test-driven .NET Developer

I expected C# to be the most used .NET language, not least because it's also the language the BCL is written in. However, I'm surprised there's still more Visual Basic than F# in use, considering the latter also receives yearly feature updates.

Which runtimes do you regularly use?

The survey ran in June 2023, when the .NET 8 Preview was on the verge of being announced.

Stefan Pölz

Clean C# Coder – Test-driven .NET Developer

A fair split between the current STS and LTS versions of the platform. Learning that there are still a significant number of .NET Framework projects being maintained is valuable information for library and tool authors to not drop support for the classic just yet.

Joseph Guadagno

Microsoft Developer Services MVP, president of the .NET Foundation Board of Directors

It's good to see that usage of .NET Framework is declining, although a bit slowly. Usage of .NET seems to be split between versions 6 and 7. Hopefully, that means people are preparing to update their apps to .NET 8.

Which technologies and frameworks do you use?

Which ASP.NET Core technologies do you use?

This question was shown only to respondents who reported using ASP.NET Core.

Which frameworks do you use for F# development?

Which IDE / editor do you mostly use for C# development?

Which operating system does your C# development environment use?

What plugins do you use with Visual Studio?

Which plugins for Visual Studio Code do you use?

Which version of Visual Studio do you use the most?

Joseph Guadagno

Microsoft Developer Services MVP, president of the .NET Foundation Board of Directors

This is great that more and more developers are staying up to date with the latest versions of their IDE.

Which unit-testing frameworks do you regularly use, if any?

Stefan Pölz

Clean C# Coder – Test-driven .NET Developer

It saddens me to see that the percentage of C# developers not writing unit tests has increased. But perhaps the recent versions of JetBrains tools can improve that figure with their superb suite of unit testing features.

What performance or diagnostic tools do you regularly use, if any?

How often do you typically use profiling or diagnostics tools?

Who is responsible for profiling or diagnostics in your project?

Types of software being developed in Visual Studio and JetBrains Rider

It looks as though many developers automatically reach for Visual Studio to work with their database projects, even though JetBrains Rider has excellent tools that support virtually every type of database, not just MS SQL Server.

In gamedev, however, JetBrains Rider is recognized as a top choice, no doubt thanks to its interoperability with engines like Unity, Unreal Engine, and Godot.

Thank you for your time!

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