Developers’ Lifestyles


The following section covers various aspects of developers’ lives, including сareer, education, mental well-being, and hobbies.


Have you ever switched your career field to IT?

The prime age for switching to IT is in one’s thirties, accounting for 38% of the career changes. 46% of those who have been in IT from the very start of their careers are people aged 21–29.

Why did you choose to become a software developer?

Why did you choose to become a software developer?

Interestingly, among those who switch to IT rather than get into it from the start, a lot more people are enticed by the possibility to work remotely (14% vs 6%).

How did you initially find out about your current job?

How satisfied are you in your (main) job?

Which aspects of your job are important to you?

The top three job aspects have not changed from last year: good hours, good pay, and feeling you can achieve something are still the most important things for our respondents.

Interestingly, women lead men in valuing generous holidays and an opportunity to make the world better (by six percentage points), but say good pay is important less often (by four percentage points).

What kind of professional development goals do you voluntarily set for yourself?


What is the highest level of formal education that you’ve completed?

Which of the following educational institutions or resources allowed you to take your first step toward becoming a developer?

Respondents aged 30–39 began their developer training at universities (34%) or massive open online courses (MOOCs) (18% for free courses, 11% for paid courses). The situation is very similar for respondents in their twenties: 34% for universities, 23% for free MOOCs, and 11% for paid MOOCs. The top three programming languages preferred by such respondents were Python, JavaScript, and Java.

What programming languages have you started learning or continued to learn in the past 12 months?

What is your motivation for learning a new language?


The survey results show that respondents are serious about learning in both intentional and casual ways throughout their workdays. Respondents showed a high interest in learning new languages, with Python, JavaScript, and Java leading the list of languages they have started or continue to learn. Over 50% of those who are learning new languages do so out of interest, while 44% and 43% of learners are motivated by personal projects and keeping up with the latest trends, respectively. Python’s popularity is confirmed by the TIOBE Index, and the ongoing explosions in AI, automation, data analysis, and data visualization needs across many organizations make it a useful language for any developer.

TechRepublic empowers professionals to lead their organizations through technology with news stories, insights, features, tutorials, and product recommendations they can trust.

What have you used to learn new tools, technologies, or programming languages in the past 12 months?


of respondents have quit a course or program before coming back to finish it.

If you’ve ever quit a learning course or program, what were your reasons?


The survey responses also show that a majority of developers (67%) like to learn through documentation and APIs. No surprise there, since 75% of respondents said they have quit learning courses or programs before finishing them, with 46% citing not enough time and 39% saying the course wasn’t interesting enough. These stats may indicate that programmers like to get a handle on the basics through traditional means before researching use cases similar to their project goals.

TechRepublic empowers professionals to lead their organizations through technology with news stories, insights, features, tutorials, and product recommendations they can trust.

How much time per week do you spend learning new tools, technologies, or programming languages?

What kind of learning content do you prefer?

Written content is still the most often used to study computer science, even among zoomers. Respondents aged 21–29 who are switching their primary field to IT tend to prefer video learning content (52%) more than text (44%). However, there is no significant difference for respondents in their thirties. Respondents whose primary field was IT tend to prefer text, with the difference slightly more pronounced for ages 30–39 (56% for text vs. 44% for videos) than for ages 21–29 (52% vs. 47%). Among zoomers, the overall ratio of video/text is close to 50/50.

Mental well-being

Sadly, almost three-quarters of our respondents have experienced burnout at some point in their careers. The good news is that close to half attend to their mental health, mostly by practicing psychological techniques on their own. This year, we decided to examine the interplay between burnout, mental well-being, and lifestyles.

Do you take care of your mental health?

Please select all that apply.

Have you ever experienced burnout?

Respondents who have experienced burnout are seven percentage points more actively interested in their mental health.

How familiar are you with the concept of mental health?


of those familiar with burnout use self-monitoring apps or devices to track their physical activity, sleep quality, and other health parameters, compared with 41% of those who have never experienced the affliction.

Do you use any self-monitoring apps or devices to track physical activity, sleep quality, health, and so on?

Which of the following statements best describes you?

Tip: If you are not watching your mental health closely, but you feel tired frequently, or even all the time, you might be on the brink of a burnout. Use caution and take care of yourself!

Those who have experienced burnout feel tired more often.

Which of the following helps you feel productive at work?

Please select all that apply.

Apart from pay raises, appreciation from colleagues, seeing that one’s work makes a difference, and enjoying the work itself are our respondents’ top three reasons to feel productive. This indicates, to us, that software development is more about working with people than with technologies.

More than half of developers (56%) say that learning how to use their IDE increases their daily coding productivity.

Interestingly, developers who have experienced burnout more frequently say that their daily coding productivity is boosted by factors connected with mental health, self-organization, and time management (46% vs. 42% of those who haven’t experienced burnout), as well as managing emotional state (25% vs. 15%), but less frequently report that their coding productivity is boosted by tooling.

Meanwhile, those who haven’t encountered burnout point more often to factors like learning the IDE (59% vs. 55% of those who are familiar with burnout), organization of work and processes (31% vs. 28%), and upgrading their IDE’s functionality (37% vs. 32%).

Which of the following increase your daily coding productivity?

Daily Routine

When I start my workday, the first thing I open is:

How much of your working time do you spend in meetings and work-related chats?

How much of your working time do you spend on code-related activity?

While working, how often do you find yourself in a state of focused concentration that prevents you from noticing what’s happening around you and how much time has passed?

When my IDE freezes, I think to myself:

Do you code on weekends?

Less than one-fifth of developers stay away from coding on weekends.

Which devices do you use for development?

How many monitors do you use for your work?

How much RAM do you have on the computer you use most often?

What disc type do you use most often for your work?

Digital Life


When consuming IT-focused articles online, 62% of respondents consider tutorials to be useful to their work, followed by news (55%) and trends (54%). Developers tend to access IT news on social media (50%), IT-focused websites (48%), and YouTube (45%), where experts and practitioners tend to provide much of the content. Of the social sites, respondents reported that they actively use accounts on GitHub (76%), X (formerly Twitter), (48%), LinkedIn (48%), and Stack Overflow (47%). With the possible exception of X, these platforms are directly tied to professional improvement and learning. Developers are seeking professional content that makes them better at their jobs, ready to find the next one, and prepared for the next new thing.

TechRepublic empowers professionals to lead their organizations through technology with news stories, insights, features, tutorials, and product recommendations they can trust.

Where do you get IT news?

What types of IT-focused articles do you find most useful to your work?

How do you prefer to consume IT news?

Do you have and actively use accounts on the following websites?

Please check all that apply.

Do you agree to send anonymized usage statistics for the tools you use?

How do you feel about personal data collection?

Do you play video games?


of respondents play video games, with age being a definite factor: 85% of under 21s partake of the hobby, but this number drops to 33% for those over 60.

Do you play video games?

Which game genres do you like the most?

Developers’ Lifestyles:


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