
These questions were only shown to the developers who chose PHP as one of their three primary programming languages.

How long have you been using PHP?

Cal Evans

PHP Community Contributor

PHP is nowhere near dead as it's been declared every year since 2005. It's a solid choice for a career and it's not going anywhere. Long live the ElePHPant and the PHP community!

Which versions of PHP do you regularly use?

Which PHP development environments do you regularly use?

Most PHP developers remain loyal to local development environments. The majority of remote environment users use local ones, too.

How do you usually debug PHP code?

Which PHP frameworks and platforms do you regularly use?

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Do you use any libraries or frameworks for asynchronous PHP?

How do you run your PHP applications in production?

Aaron Francis

Educator at @PlanetScale

I’m excited to see serverless PHP usage is growing, even if just by a tiny bit this year! PHP is so perfectly suited for the serverless model. I'm excited for what the future holds there.

Which editor or IDE do you use most for PHP development?

Despite all the measures we’ve taken to secure a representative pool of respondents, these results may be slightly skewed toward users of JetBrains products, as they were more likely to take the survey.

Which testing frameworks do you regularly use?

Zuzana Kunckova

Founder of @larabellesPHP

I find it very interesting that 31% of developers don't write tests for PHP. This has gone down from 33% last year, but it's still one-third of respondents who don't write PHP tests. I guess they like to live life on the edge!

What additional quality tools do you regularly use?

What template engines do you use?

What tools do you use for profiling or measuring performance?

What are your top three PHP feature requests?

Thank you for your time!

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