Remote Dev


Do you ever edit code on a remote machine?

When you develop remotely, how do you connect to a remote machine?

When you develop remotely, do you connect to virtual machines or a physical computer / server?

When you develop remotely, do you connect to your own computer / server or do you use cloud development environments?

What do you use to access your remote machine?

What cloud development environments do you use?

Do you agree or disagree with each of the following statements?

Do you create a new remote development environment for each task?

Do you use templates to set up remote dev environments?

What do these templates include?

What public cloud service do you use as your main target platform?

Remote development tool set from JetBrains

Collaborative development

Do you practice collaborative development?

What tools do you use for remote simultaneous collaborative development?

What tools do you use for collaborative development?

In what kinds of situations do you use collaborative development?

How do you plan your collaborative development sessions?

Is pair programming used in your company as a usual development practice?

How do you usually practice pair programming?

Remote Development:


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