

These questions were only shown to the developers who chose Scala as one of their three primary programming languages.


Which versions of Scala do you regularly use?

What are your compilation targets?

Which unit testing frameworks do you regularly use?

Which frameworks / libraries do you regularly use for web development?

Which frameworks / libraries do you regularly use?

Some of the biggest Scala frameworks – Cats, ZIO, FS2, and http4s – gained significant popularity during the last year. This might be a sign that these projects are maturing and that Scala developers have migrated from using DIY tech stacks to more tried and tested solutions.

Which editor / IDE do you use the most for Scala?

What additional editor / IDE do you use the most for Scala?

Tomasz Godzik

Senior Scala Developer at VirtusLab

The rise in usage of IntelliJ IDEA seems to show that even if there is an increase of people trying to use LSP, they still keep IntelliJ IDEA as the reliable IDE.

This year, we reached out to a diverse crowd of developers – not only those who use IntelliJ IDEA and the Scala plugin in their day jobs, but also those who prefer VS Code and Metals, among others. Given this broader scope, we may assume that our results – 77% of respondents reported using IntelliJ IDEA with the Scala plugin as their primary IDE – give a good indication of the mood among the Scala community. On top of that, more than half of respondents point to using IntelliJ IDEA with the Scala plugin as their secondary IDE.

Tomasz Godzik

Senior Scala Developer at VirtusLab

The rise in usage of IntelliJ IDEA seems to show that even if there is an increase of people trying to use LSP, they still keep IntelliJ IDEA as the reliable IDE.

Which build systems do you regularly use?

Which interactive Scala environments do you regularly use?

Tomasz Godzik

Senior Scala Developer at VirtusLab

First time in the survey and already a large percentage of users reported adding Scala CLI to their toolbox. Looks like we were missing something like it previously.

We have been witnessing the meteoric rise of Scala CLI, a command-line tool for interacting with the Scala language. It only saw its 1.0.0 release in May this year, but already seems to be in regular use by 44% of Scala developers. Scala CLI users are not limited to those who use it as a replacement for Scala REPL (which Scala CLI officially replaced) or for sbt console (another popular REPL for Scala). Scala CLI is apparently also drawing users away from sbt itself since it can be used as a build tool, even if Scala CLI’s authors say that’s not its primary purpose.

Tomasz Godzik

Senior Scala Developer at VirtusLab

First time in the survey and already a large percentage of users reported adding Scala CLI to their toolbox. Looks like we were missing something like it previously.

Which compiler plugins do you regularly use for Scala?

What other tools do you use for Scala?

Do you use Scala 3?

Tomasz Godzik

Senior Scala Developer at VirtusLab

Slowly but surely people are starting to migrate to Scala 3. This might be related to tooling maturation and the increased number of supporting libraries. I wonder what kind of impact the LTS over the coming year will have.

Which Scala 3 features do you use?

Thank you for your time!

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