PHP development environment
The PHP development environment includes a PHP engine, a web server, and a database server—the so-called AMP (Apache, MySQL, PHP) technology stack that can be installed as a preconfigured package (like XAMPP or MAMP) or separate components to the local or remote operating system, in a virtual machine, or in a Docker container.
PhpStorm integrates with your PHP development environment for running, debugging, or unit testing the applications opened in the IDE.
Integrate your PHP engine with PhpStorm as described in Configure local PHP interpreters or Configure remote PHP interpreters.
Set connection between PhpStorm and your web server as described in Connect to a web server.
Integrate your database server with PhpStorm as described in Create a data source.
Set up a debugging engine as described in Debugging with PhpStorm.
Set up the required command-line tools as described in PHP command line tools.