Code faster with AI Assistant in PyCharm

Your companion for smarter, faster development.

Powered by OpenAI and Google, AI Assistant makes multiple LLMs work for you.

Try it for free for 7 days

Level up your development experience

Speed up your coding

Write prompts directly in the editor or Jupyter notebooks, and AI Assistant will generate in-place code suggestions. It can autocomplete single lines, functions, and full code blocks, adapting to your coding style, project context, and naming conventions. Plus, you can iterate faster by running the generated code from the AI chat in the Python console.

Choose the LLM that works for you

Select the AI chat model that suits you best – whether it’s Google's Gemini, OpenAI, or local models on your machine. This flexibility allows you to tailor the AI chat’s responses to your unique workflow, ensuring a more adaptable and personalized experience.

Delegate routine or repetitive tasks

Let AI Assistant take care of routine tasks, freeing you to focus on creative and impactful work. Whether it’s refactoring code, generating documentation, writing tests, or summarizing VCS commit changes, AI Assistant has you covered.

Building Django apps? Use intention-based suggestions for your Django code to generate views, models, and administration interfaces, saving time on repetitive tasks.

Improve and optimize your code

Enhance your code quality with AI Assistant by diagnosing errors and exceptions and receiving actionable suggestions for fixes. Use AI-driven refactoring prompts to optimize and clean up your code, keeping it efficient and maintainable.

Don’t know the answer? Ask AI Assistant!

Easily grasp new and complex code by asking questions in the chat – AI Assistant provides detailed explanations tailored to your project context. Whether you’re exploring the IDE or learning a new language, AI Assistant can guide you through IDE settings and features and translate code to help you switch seamlessly between multiple languages.

Empower your data workflows

AI prompts directly in Jupyter Notebooks

Seamlessly interact with AI Assistant directly within your Jupyter Notebook by typing on an empty line or generate AI code cells. AI Assistant will offer suggestions based on your notebook's current context. Get guidance on common data analysis steps to clean and process your data faster and more efficiently.

Transform AI chats into Jupyter notebooks

Turn your AI Assistant conversations into actionable code by seamlessly transferring outputs into a dedicated Jupyter Notebook with just one click.

Interact with dataframes and variables in prompts

AI Assistant works with dataframes and variables directly in your notebooks. With direct access to a dataframe summary and statistics, it delivers context-aware results tailored to your project and data.

Dataframe visualization

Easily visualize your dataframes with AI Assistant. It suggests the most suitable graphs and plots based on your context and generates a new cell with the appropriate code snippet in your notebook. Simply run the cell, and voilà – your graph appears instantly!

More actions with AI Assistant

Edit or fix cells, generate markdown, explain code and errors, and more. Easily convert your Jupyter Notebook to a .py file, saving time and simplifying your workflows.

Enhance your database workflows


Communicate with your database using natural language in the query console. AI Assistant understands your database schema and generates accurate SQL queries based on the context.

Fix SQL errors

Prefer writing queries yourself but stuck on errors? Whether you’re unsure of the right keyword, column, or SQL dialect differences, AI Assistant can identify and fix any issues in your SQL query easily.

Plans and Pricing

AI Assistant is available for both PyCharm Professional and Community Edition.


AI-powered coding companion for all IDEs with the JetBrains AI service


/per month

(billed annually at $100.00)



All AI features from the Pro plan with limitations on time and usage volume


Trial lasts 7 days